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Oh my goodness... Whats going on with my Raccoon Butterfly??? He rams into tree's and lays on his side against things and at times he will swim right along and act ok. Could my yellow tang had hit him with the sharp edge on its tail?? If I touch him he will start swimming again. My water test are all good


Active Member
When you say they are all good, what do you mean? Could you give us specifics? We need to know ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH, alkalinity, salinity, and temperature? Has there been any recent changes in water parameters?
It's very possible your yellow tang whacked him. Have you noticed aggression of any sorts?
What have you recently done to the tank?


my ph is 7.8 too low... I have used the balancing blocks but they dont seem to do the trick. Ammomia 0.25... Niterite is 0 and Niterate is 0 The temp is 80... I think the Tang hit him with the tail... he will at times lay in the bottom still alive and at times move around mostly when the Tang is near him


Active Member
It could be this, but contrary to what you said, your water tests are not good. Your pH is indeed low, your ammonia NEEDS to be 0 (since ammonia is quite toxic), and you did not provide salinity or alkalinity.