help - used freshwater PH up


someone help - I did a water change and accidentally put freshwater PH up in my salt tank. Will this kill fish? I am pregnant and did something stupid. please helpp.,


I would keep an eye on it. It could have an adverse reaction in saltwater but I dont think it will kill anything though. just keep an eye out to see if things start to stress out and keep an eye on your PH just in case.


Personally, if I accidently did that I would do a large water change. I'm sure if you have a skimmer it will help get that crap out. Not sure if it will in fact harm anything, but if it doesnt say its for saltwater I wouldnt want it in my tank.


I am really in panic mode - I just grabbed the wrong bottle b/c I was also working on my african tank. what do you think it could do?


thing is I just did a 25% water change and I don't want to do another right now. that would be waaaay too much stress. I do have a skimmer.


Originally Posted by otfurball
I am really in panic mode - I just grabbed the wrong bottle b/c I was also working on my african tank. what do you think it could do?


Originally Posted by otfurball
thing is I just did a 25% water change and I don't want to do another right now. that would be waaaay too much stress. I do have a skimmer.
Monitor the tank then and either wait another day or do another water change tomorrow... What size tank is it and did you use the full dosage ammount recommended on the bottle?


Active Member
Originally Posted by otfurball
I am really in panic mode - I just grabbed the wrong bottle b/c I was also working on my african tank. what do you think it could do?
it should be ok, i wouldnt panic untill you see something wrong with your fish.
relax... and have a nice day


Just check on the tank every now and then... Watch your fish and any colony corals like GSP or zoas. If you see them acting abnormally, I would do a water change right away. It may have no affect at all though - so your best bet is to just keep a close eye on it.


yeah like I said I dont think there is going to be a problem but monitor just in case. I wouldnt owrry to much though it happens with all of us.. I would move the bottles somewhere seperated though so you dont accently do it again though .


I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for their late night advice. I got up this AM and everything was fine. PHEW. I don't think separating the bottles was my problem. I actually walked over to my african chichlid tank and took out the freshwater PH up bottle - DUH. the salk water PH stuff was under the salt tank when it should be. I am pregnant and have a bad bad case of baby brain. If I ever meet any of you I will tell you about the handbag in the fridge story.
Thanks again y'all -
have a happy day


If I ever meet any of you I will tell you about the handbag in the fridge story.
do we reall want to know lOL
Glad eveything work out for ya.