Help! UV Sterlizers ?


Hello Everyone, This is probally a stuipid question, but I am lost about this. I am going to be purchasing a UV sterlizer soon. Ok, here is what I have. 140gal FOWLR, Sump, protein Skimmer in the sump, 2 pumps (One pulls the water from the sump threw the proteim Skimmer, the other pulls from the sump back to the tank). My question is can I put the UV Sterlizer in line with the pump that returns the water to the tank?
Thanks Everyone,
Shel :D

mr . salty

Active Member
This really depends on what is the effective flow rate of the paticular UV you are getting.And exactly what you are using this UV to kill. You see,diferent flow rates will kill diferent organisms in the water that passes through it.A faster flow rate will keep algae under control,but do little or nothing in parasite controle.While a flow rate that is too slow will literally kill all the good and bad organisms in the water...You should look into the flow rate specs of your unit,and also the flow rate of your pumps.You may end up putting it in your skimmer loop.


New Member
I am selling a CSL 18w Double Helix serilizer. I have had it for 1 month and turned it on once to make sure it worked. I am setting up a reef tank and just now found out that they are not good for reefs. I am asking $80 plus shipping. Let me know if you are interested.