help w/cyano

I hate cyano!!!!!!!! I have been doing a water change 1x a wk. for the las month I am cleaning it off the rock and I increased the water flow. I only have a pixie hawk fish , 2 turbo snails and 10 blue leg crabs in a 80 gl tank I feed him about 8 pellets a day and he eats them all. It seems to be growing faster
Water perameters are amonia 0 ph 8.24 nitrate 0 nitrite 0 salinity 1.020. Is there something I am doing wrong?


Well-Known Member

Here is what I did a year ago...
Dosed the tank wth Phosphate X, ran some purigen in the filter, scraped up as much as I could and got it out of the tank and dosed with redX ...followed the instructions and did a water change after.
It most likely is phosphates...rinse any frozen foods you feed in RO water. That is what caused my problem..the frozen food was dosing the tank with phosphates.
Once I cleared up the phosphates my tank is cyano clear and perfect.
how do you test the phospates? is there a test kit you can get? How do you rinse the food when I place it in the water it melts into a bunch of tiny peices.