Help w/ Fishlist 55


Active Member
I have 55 gallon tank in my room.
45 pounds of LR
25 pounds pink LS
25 Pounds ref LS
(ordering another 45 pounds of LR soon)

Scooter Blenny
The lighting:

48" Extreme Orbit 2x130watt SunPaq with Lunar Lights & Fan

Emperor Biowheel
Fluval 404
Uv sterilizer
RO.DI unit
2 powerheads w/ filter
I'm not sure what to add to my tank fish wise or equipment wise.
Think anyone could help me ?



Active Member
I got a problem with algae as well.
what kind of clean up crew should i get for that?

and having one fish in my 55 gallon im sure i can have some more


Nice landscaping
If it was mine i think a pair of percula clowns would look beautiful in there. But there's alot of choices and combos you could do. So many options. :thinking:


Active Member
I've been considering the same thing myself. I've already got a pair of false perc clowns in a 12 gallon that will be going into the 55g. The additional list I'm considering is:
1 Wheeler's Watchman Goby
1 Scott's Fairy Wrasse
1 Coral Beauty
1 Firefish (?)
And I think that's all I could really fit in a 55g. Of course I'll probably modify the list over the next couple months, but that's mine. Not sure if that will help you but I hope maybe it could be a bit inspiring.


Active Member
I'll suggest fish I've had a great deal of success with, meaning 5-10+ year lifespans:
Tomato Clown - I've only ever had the one, and he's over 10 years old. Only fish to survive a recent four-day power outage.
False Perc Clown - Lost in the power outage, but he was even older than the tomato at the time, so 10+ years.
Four-Stripe Damsel - Also lost in the power outage, and was also older than the tomato at the time, so 10+ years.
Purple Psuedochromis - Lost somewhat mysteriously, but he was 5+ years old at the time.
Yellowtail Damsel - Lost after about 5 years, not really sure why.
Currently have a false perc clown, green reef chormis, and a bicolor psuedochromis, all of which I'm expecting to be around for quite some time.
Fish I haven't had much luck with include a flame angel, a coral beauty angel, a pygmy angel, a firefish goby, a purple tang, a lawnmower blenny, and smaller chromis (who probably just got beat up by my much more established and tank-savvy damsels).
Good luck with whatever you pick.


Nice rock work. I think a Flame Angel might be nice but I have never had one. If you do get a Flame Angel try and get one from Hawai. They are more vibrantly colered than the ones from the Philipenes. I think I spelled that wrong. Good luck with your tank.


Active Member
i gave all my fish to my mother.
now i have a new clean up crew and such
but no fish still


Active Member
This is what I have in my 55g and love them.

2 Ocellaris clowns tank raised
1 Banggai Cardinal
2 red firefish
1 Royal gramma
Large load, but my levels are good and I added very slowly. Make sure you have good clean up crew though.


Active Member
In my 65 I have:
2 Onyx clowns (percula variant)
1 Banghai cardinal
1 Blackcap basslet
1 Blue/green chromis
1 Flame Angel
and soon to be added will be a Redlip blenny. Everyone else's suggestions seem good too, but be weary of damsels, as they can be aggressive to most other fish.