Help w/ new livestock


My in-laws have been given a 35G FOWLR setup from a coworker going through a divorce (wife left him and he is getting rid of her tank she left too). He has been ignoring things for months hoping they would die on their own :( . My in-laws moved (rescued) the tank last night to their house as they wanted a fresh water tank and knew I would want the SW stuff. I made sure to have them keep the old water and put it back in the tank once moved. After 24hrs it seems the 2 remaining fish are doing OK.
It seems it was in poor shape and full of green, slimey algea and probably some hair algea which is on the glass, LR, etc. There was apparently no cleaner crew remaining. Since they are not going to keep the SW setup, I am thinking it is best for them to pretty much leave things as-is and not change much until the fish are moved to my house in hopefully a week (5hr ride).
The fish are described as puffers by the previous owner - no species passed on. One is supposedly pink but in hiding. The other is more social and described as having a yellow face area, grey body with black spots. I am try to get pics e-mailed but on this limited info does anyone have suggestions on what these might be? My follow-on question is that assuming they are puffers, will I need to keep them in a seperate tank? My FOWLR tank contains a damsel, 2 perc clown, 3 feather dusters, 20 turbos, a few scarlet hermits, a serpent starfish and a peppermint shrimp. It appears the snails, hermits and shrimp may be puffer food.
Supposedly there is 100# LR which has a lot of algea on it and supposedly a lot of pink worms that were up to 1-3 inches long. Seems like a lot for a tank that size! I am mainly concerned about ensuring these worms are not going to be detrimental to my existing tank. Any thoughts? I will try to get a pic from the inlaws of these and post as well. Anyone in my area that might want some of this LR if it is more than I can keep?
The previous owner told the in-laws to keep salinity between 1.027 and 1.030. This seems high but I have seen a lot of variances in this area. My current tank is kept at 1.022. Is the 1.027-.030 range OK for these sort of fish or were they misinformed.
I have an old 15H tank which I could try to set up rapidly to accomodate the new fish if they won't play well with my current tank. I will setup ASAP and hopefully have a week of cycling min. before they bring fish. I will jumpstart now with some of my substrate and water. I am thinking it might help minimize the cycle/spikes if they bring the fish along with some of the tank water and CC substrate. I know this is not an ideal cycle but I may have little choice, any other suggestions?
Sorry to be so long.


I won't even try to tackle all of that (mostly since I don't know all the answers) but I can tell you that if you put puffer fish in your tank -- even the most gentle such as valentini -- they are not reef safe and you will lose your entire cleaner crew sooner or later. Generally these are aggressive fish and you may lose your damsels and small fish too if the puffers are large enough.
I think you should look into a seperate tank for them.
And I can't imagine they actually had 100 lbs of LR in a 35 gal tank. I know my 90lbs of LR in a 55 really made things look crowded so I pulled out about 15-20 lbs and put it in my 20 gal.
I would def try to set up the other tank, but you don't have enough time to cycle. Lots of people here suggest things like taking fish to LFS to hold for you till your tank is ready. Maybe you could try that? Good luck and sorry I can't tell you more. Definitely get pictures and I am sure others can help.


Here are 2 pics of the unknown hand me down fish I will be given. Any help with ID would be appreciated. I am told it is bright yellow on top of head, light yellow body with black/grey spots. Colors don't come through too good in these pics.


New Member
the type of puffer you have is a target puffer from the looks of the pic. they can get up to 6" in length. They are an aggressive fish your tank size is ok. these guys teeth do tend to grow pretty quick so be sure to feed it meaty foods such as shrimp, snails, tubifex worms and earthworms anything with a hard exoskeleton in order to keep their teeth from overgrowing. i would be alittle worried about the mixing him with the other fish you have now especially the damsel and other crustaceans they will dissapear over time.
hope this helps


Thanks for the input jbroc and crazy8. From what I can find, the previous pic is looking like a green spotted puffer. I don't see the spot on the tail which the target puffer should have (at least I think it should have).
I have a pic of the second fish in the tank I will get. From looking at SWF stock, looks a bit like a purple pseudochromis. Any ideas pn this one?