Help w/strawberry basslett


I put a strawberry basslett in my QT tank w/2 cardinals & my new watchman goby. Noticed the watchmans tail looks like it has been picked on. Could it be the strawberry basslett? anyone have one? Are they very dominant?


Originally Posted by A&A2
I put a strawberry basslett in my QT tank w/2 cardinals & my new watchman goby. Noticed the watchmans tail looks like it has been picked on. Could it be the strawberry basslett? anyone have one? Are they very dominant?
I've heard they can be dominant, but I have no experience with them at all and I don't know anyone who has ever kept one.
If nothing else, this response bumps your thread.


I keep 2 spotted cardinals in there to keep the system going while I have no fish QT'd in in it. Just bot the strawberry basslett & a yellow watchman goby & put them in there too. I didn't think that was too much for a 20 gal temporary home till I put them in my 125 gal?


Active Member
The watchman should be good to go soon. They have a thick enough slime coat to protect them from parasites.

30-xtra high

Active Member
it was without a doubt the strawberry, my lfs has one for sale for 10$, and they had it in with some green clown gobies, and it killed about 3 of them before they got the rest out. i really like strawberries though, they're so bright and active. and the agression will slim down when in the 125.


30 extra high---ya know I noticed that! I put him in my 125 gal last nite & Really calmed down. Guess the bigger fish put him in his place :happyfish

30-xtra high

Active Member
yep, they're really nice additions... my lfs recently moved him to the 125 show tank, and its with some lil fish like bicolor blenny, watchman, chromis, and a couple tangs. i was debating on getting him for my 30, but was afraid to put him in with my soon to be addition of cardinals.