Help!! -what do I do?


OMG- I just added Alk indicator fluid by accident - 60 drops to my 55 gal, instead of the buffer! I had so many bottle out I didn't realize until it was too late! Did I just kill my entire tank- I have 1 clown, 2 chromis & a firefish, 60 lbs LR, 50 lbs LS & many snails/crabs & mushrooms! Help anyone?

sinner's girl

okay, first, test the water to see how much damage you did then start mixing water for a water change.
Don't know how much damage you did till you test.
I would keep an eye on the fish. Do you have a qt tank you can move them to? if so, maybe you should move them if your levels are way outta wack. But I don't know what your alk leave is...
also, can you add the buffer to bring the alk down? (just a thought, I don't use chemicals so I'm not sure how they all work or what does what).


Thanks, what should I test for? The usual I guess? This is the first time I have used a buffer & I messed up bad!! My ph was always right on, but my alk has been undetectable, so I thought maybe a little buffer would help.. so much for that. Luckily I had 5 gal change all mixed up & aerated, so I just changed that out in a hurry. I'm thinking a poly filter to soak up any toxins? I cannot get much more water in right now- my RO unit doesn't put out much at a time. I'm such an idiot I added the indicator to my qt too... I can't believe this!!!!


Well, I re-tested the levels, Alk is still undectable even though I add a little of the buffer to possibly neutralize the indicator fluid, ph is same at 8.2-3, no amm, trate or trite, sal 1.025. I turned the lights off to reduce any stress, they have gone to their sleeping spots - they did look a little freaked out when I realized what I'd done, some skittish swimming etx, but look ok for the moment...Has anyone ever done this? Or added test kit fluid to their tank by accident?


Do you mean you added the indicator fluid from a test kit? Cause some of those are very toxic. Water changes and lots of new carbon or chemi-pure ,or chem zorb could possibly help. Not sure i'm not a chemist, but ive seen some of those bottles(from test kits) clearly say corrosive or toxic on a warning label.


i would continue to get water ready for a water change and keep some on hand. do medium water changes more often. run some carbon as well to help draw this stuff out of the water. and keep any eye out for your levels. if you notice nitites or ammonia rising means it upset your biological filtration and you could be in for a spike. keeps some water always handy for a quick large change if needed. but do keep doing water changes to minimize the damage if any
Good luck
ive never done this but reading my test kits warning labels scares me some times. some potent chemicals in those test kits.


Thanks guys, you've been a big help! Well, I'm drawing more RO water now, might be able to get another 5 by the morning... I just retested, Amm & nitrite still at 0. All I had on hand is Novaqua a detoxifier/stresscoat - so I added that to help. I just changed the carbon in the emporer yesterday, so it should be full force. God, I will be devastated if everythings gone in the morning..
They seem to be ok so far though. The bottle said the chemical is an irritant, so hopefully in comparison to the drops I put it, it was not enough to make a huge reaction mixing in with the 55 gal of water as a buffers can. I am hoping the mass of the water dissipated the toxicity of the chemical. I am never messing with any chems/buffers again! I was just reading about Alk in Fenner's book where it mentions low alk levels are not good - so I was worried & trying to raise it. I guess I need more chemistry classes! I need to research the cause before trying to treat it... I have never added anything to the tank except some Kent Calcium buffer every now & then.. I'll repost & let you know what happens...hopefully my tank doesn't turn blue or something overnight...! :scared:

sinner's girl

if something were to happen I think you would have seen results by now...
also, remember you can always go buy ro water if you need to, better than losing the tank.
Though, now I'm not sure what you added? I thought you added something to raise it, when you wanted to lower it, that's why I said to test...but if you added some other chemical...
I still think if something bad were to happen you'd have seen the results by now. BUT don't add anything else you're sure what it is, and what it'll do and that you can test for.
good luck.