help what happend to my clown fish


Active Member
The water peramiters are as followed
210 gal reef tank
200 lb lr
salinity 1.024/025
nitrate 0
nitrite 0
amno .25
phos 0
have not intrduced anything new into the tank in the past month,mounth and a half.
just did a water change yestarday morning 30 gal
I looked at him today around 12:30 or so he was fine no problems.
and now about 5:30 he has little white spots of flesh it lookes like comming off him,and now was laying on the bottom of the tank breathing heavy and not eating.
About 2 weeks ago he lost his pair due to jumping over the overflo box and into a closed loop pump.but never saw him stressed out after the accedent, everything was fine kept swimming normal,eating
I hope this is enough info to help me.Should i QT him or put him back in the MT
Heres some pics.please help as soon as possible.
Im going to do another water test to double check my self



Staff member
Wow, do you have corals? How long have you this fish? Any aggression going on? Notice you have ammonia. Could well be that! Ammonia burns.


Active Member
yes, lots of corals. No agression I have seen but I do have a maroon clown that every now and then gets cranky and likes to chase but never any damage. We have had him about 9 months. Second water test is 0 ammonia. It always is. This tank stays pretty consistant. I think I did the test incorrectly the first time. What do you think I should do????


Active Member
also his top fins are all chewed up.I dont think a diease could come on in 4 hours and make him look that bad that fast. Do you?


Active Member
Update That night I decided to do a formalin dip for 15 min. I thought maybe a case of Brooklynella. Figured it couldnt hurt, returned him to theQt the next morning his breathing and body looked all better except his fins were still frayed decided to follow up with antibiotics and homemade food with garlic to help.


Staff member
The chewed fins are definitely a sign of aggression. And he looks like he has been beat up, not suffering from brook. Do you have a QT you can move him to for observation?


Active Member
Yes Beth ,he's been in the QT since this happened , I'm gonna keep him there a while to observe him and let him recope. I was so upset,I figured it couldnt hurt to do the treatment-I too was thinking it was agression but if it hadnt been and he died cause I didnt treat him, I would have felt worse. He's eating real good again and acting normal. Ill update in a few days


Staff member
Actually, it can hurt to use formalin or copper needlessly, especially if those marks on this fish are "wounds". Formalin should be avoided in situations were there are open wounds.
Good that he is in a QT. By chance do you notice any flesh regeneration?


Active Member
Yes he looks much better less fraying on fins.Didnt know that about the dip.thank you but i was so nervious.


Staff member
Yes, formalin and copper both are potent medications. Formalin is actually formaldehyde...and should not be used on open wounds.
The fact that this fish is improving points more and more to aggression being the problem. You now need to decide what you are going to do with him once he heals.
I'd recommend using zoecon supplementation with the fish's meaty food offering.


Active Member
Thanks, I did know that fromalin was formaldahide.but i did not realize it could hurt wounds cause i wasnt sure thats what they were.Were feeding him homemade food with garlic shoud we still do the zoecon? we have a 210, hes been in there with the same fish for the past 9 months(no new fish)do you think there would be an aggression problem now or could it be that he lost his mate and now other fish are treating him differantly.


Staff member
Yes, the agression will likely contine. If you can get the aggressor out for a couple of weeks, and allow this sick fish to establish himself, then that may work out. I had to move my clowns around 3 times before getting them to accept each other.


Active Member
I believe its my maroon clown but have tried to catch in the past, every attempt has always failed. Im sure moving the rock work around is not enough of a dirversion, well Im gonna keep him in the QT for a couple weeks, if you have any ideas let me know. Thanks!


New Member
I lost my clown yesterday that looked the same way yours did. Im new to the hobby, and the dealer who bought the fish from, said give it 2 days and if it doesn't improve bring him in for a "dip". In a matter of 24 hours the fish lost 75% of it's color almost to a gray apprearance, wasn't eating and died.


Active Member
Hi, sorry for your loss. It is always sad. I cant believe your lfs sold him to you visablly sick! Your fish was definately sick, mine never really lost color, maybe a little but nothing like yours and mine is eating fine. He is looking better and better. Thnk God! I really believe, as Beth said this was due to agression.


Active Member
also Rudy just so you know, if a fish is sick with serious illnesses such as Brooklynella or velvet they can be dead in 48 hrs. Also buying a sick fish is not always best because you further stress him during netting ,baggin ETC. A good lfs will hold him, treat if necisary and sell him when he is well(mine does). Something to keep in mind while looking for a reliable LFS. Good luck


Originally Posted by Beth
Wow, do you have corals? How long have you this fish? Any aggression going on? Notice you have ammonia. Could well be that! Ammonia burns.
YEP Ammonia burns


Active Member
How do you suppose they are ammonia burns, when there is no ammonia in tank?or are you just agreeing with Beth that amm. burns? Cause if you read the thread, you would see first test was done incorrectly ther is no ammonia.