Help What Is This Thing!!!!

i turned on the light tonight ans saw this think that looks like a flat caterpillar/leech thing stuck to my rocks. i thought it was a plant but i have never noticed it before, its red/brown and it has like small plants growing out of it, i tried to net it but its stuck to the rocks. it moves very slow but i dont know how it go there and if it is harmless. please help i dont know how to post pics but ther are some in this album.


It's hard to tell by the pic but it sounds like a sea cucumber or sea apple. They can be a be toxic to a tank but if it's real small then it won't be a problem.



Originally posted by Angela&Landon
its flat..... like a leech. is that what they look like???

See if you can get a better pic. That will help a lot.
theres a couple in that album, but now the thing is freakin gone. who knows where it is. is there any pics of sea apples or cucumbers??? how did this thing get in here anyways???
could it be a Nudibranch??? i dont know what kind but i was looking at pics in this site and it kind of reminds me of one. i dont think its a cucumber or apple cause its flat as flat can be.



Originally posted by Angela&Landon
could it be a Nudibranch???

Yeah, it could be. Hitch hiker. I got a sea cucumber once on some LR.
is there anyway i could e-mail you the pics, the thing is freaking me out. i want it OUT, if i can catch it its going down the percilan express.



Originally posted by Angela&Landon
is there anyway i could e-mail you the pics, the thing is freaking me out. i want it OUT, if i can catch it its going down the percilan express.

Hold on there. I don't think you need to worry just yet.
Post the pics but attaching a file: Click "Post Reply" and scroll down to where is says "Browse" find the file and click "submit" do not hit "preview".
or email


I'm going with a Nudibranch. If you are really worried then capture it next time you see it and take it to the LFS. Please don't flush it.
ive had a couple of damsels come up missing, one day there gone. no bodies nothing. im just concerned that this thing is harmfull and if so i dont want it. i was partially kidding about the flushing:D
thanks, anyway i can find out for sure what this is???


That looks like some kind of bristle worm. If there is small hairlike or fuzzy stuff growing out of it's sides, it is definantly a bristle worm. Some kind of bristleworm's are very harmful. This kind is is simply an algea eater and is actually useful to the tank. It will not eat anything else.
i caught the thing tonight. im taking it to the LFS tom. it wasnt a worm, it was stuck to the rock and i mean STUCK. ill let you know what they say