HELP! What is wrong with my marble star?


New Member
Yesterday he had one of these spots and now there are a bunch. What is this? Please help!
Ammo - 0
PH - 8.2
Nitrate - 20
Nitrite - 0
Moving good. Flipped it over and it flipped itself back upright. Star is not limp either. So I have no idea what it is. When I flipped it, it has the same stuff coming out of it's mouth. Do these have multiple mouths. This all started after feeding tank live DT's Color is still good as you can see.


New Member
Since this morning the one that was in the center is now gone and the other spots are unchanged. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!


New Member
He is still moving good and flipping over. Two spots look like they have disappeared. Is it possible I could have something hiding in my tank and it attacked my star? Everything I have purchased for the tank is docile (Flame Angel, Six Line Wrasse, blue and red leg hermits, tiger conch, frilly arrow, cleaner shrimp, turbos). Any help is appreciated.


Active Member
What is your specific gravity? How long have you had this star? How much LR do you have? Those are not likely to be "attack" marks, IMO. But I would be concerned overall.


Active Member
Unfortunately, your specific gravity is a touch low (I would be 1.025-1.026). This is a star that can not be spot fed, and requires a large mature reef tank (minimum of 6 months old) with at least 100lbs of LR. Most will die of acclimation shock in a month (showing signs like you have - or disintegration of the arms) or in about a year to 18 months of starvation. :(


New Member
I understand what you are saying. The SG is still the same but it appears that something is eating at it. It was on the back side of my rock and today it is moving back out and one of it's legs are almost completely detached like something nawed it off. All spots shown in the pic are now gone except for it's almost detached leg. What would eat at it that would live in my rock and how do I catch it? I guess this is the new question.


Active Member
It is HIGHLY unlikely something is eating it. These stars die by slow disintegration. Arms fall off, and the "melt" away. It is tempting to believe they are being eaten, but most likely it is acclimation shock, IMO, which is the fate of the majority of these stars in the hobby.