I woke up this morning and my favorite little buddie (my cleaner shrimp) was dead. I have a 75 gallon coral tank with 2 clown fish, 2 purple firefish, a blue tang, a scooter blennie. The day before yesterday I added a coral banded shrimp. The fish store said that the coral banded shrimp was peaceful and should be fine with the cleaner shrimp but the cleaner is now dead. Has anyone ever had this happen before. I need to know why my cleaner shrimp is dead. If it is the coral banded shrimp, I think I will put him in the 100 gallon tank with my puffer and trigger and see how he feels. Another thing, I have a rose anemone and every time I would feed the anemone, that little cleaner shrimp would jump in the anemone and get the food - crazy little guy. Anyway, I need some thoughts on this one. What got him - did he get killed by the coral banded shrimp or was he stung by the anemone? Any thoughts would be appreciated.