Help... what type of algea is this?


Hi Everyone.... I recently tore down, and moved my 90 gal tank. I had a pretty bad Hair algea problem. What I realized was I had not changed my RO DI filters in quite some time and my phosphates built up. So my tank has been back up for about a month now, and I used all RO DI water and there are no phosphates in the water or my RO DI. My DTS meter on my RO DI is also 0.... Anyway there is some growth on my LR and the back and side glass... it doesnt look like hair algea to me, but it resembles it... I hope you can see in these pictures... It doesnt seem to be growing or changing so should I do anything about it?
I do know my cleanup crew is way under powered. I only have a coulple hermits, snails. Also My tang does eat the algea off the rocks and sides, but not to the point that it cleans it up.



Well-Known Member
It looks to me like the yucky algae that gets on rocks when there isn't enough flow (grey web looking stuff)...Keep your water changes up, and it should go away on it's own...having a power head to blast it, will help keep it from settling there.


I have been doing a 22 Gallon water change every Sat. ( probably overkill since it was 100% new water anyway) and I also have a mag 12 pump for my return and I also have 3 Koralia evolution power heads in the display so I dont think flow is an issue or water changes. I have no however blown the rocks down with a power head when I do a water change so maybe I should do that next time?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by jbailey52 http:///t/394686/help-what-type-of-algea-is-this#post_3513010
I have been doing a 22 Gallon water change every Sat. ( probably overkill since it was 100% new water anyway) and I also have a mag 12 pump for my return and I also have 3 Koralia evolution power heads in the display so I dont think flow is an issue or water changes. I have no however blown the rocks down with a power head when I do a water change so maybe I should do that next time?
Hi, yes always blow the rocks really is just the result of a new tank. Even though it was established before, you are now using RO water and when you broke the tank down you reset it, it's a new tank. Try 12g a week water changes. I had that grey stringy stuff for a year on the back glass of my 90g years ago. I don't remember when it actually went away, but it did.... and it took a long time too.


Very cool.... thanks. Im just trying to keep everything perfect.. and when you go into say a LFS and see their reef tank and say " Why is theirs sooo clean"