Help Whats going On


What would make my maroon clownfish stay at the surface of the water? I do have a protein skimmer and 3 powerheads in my 125g one powerhead on each side and one in the middle, but we turned the powerhead off that is in the middle cause the protein skimmer gives oxygen too and thought that was enough oxygen having 2 poerheads on plus a skimmer. Im so afraid he is gonna die for some reason or another... I dont have much luck with saltwater.


No signs of ick. he just stays at the top of the surface more or less. If he dies(not sure if anything is wrong yet) can I then put another fish in the same aquarium? he is the only one in there so far.
PH 8.2
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0
Saltinity 1.023
Temp 82.6


Active Member
does he always stay at the top? my clownfish stays at the top of my tank at night but during the day he swims all over the tank


Nope he usually staying about maybe middle during the day. My husband turned my powerheads up and now he has moved down... not enough oxgen before??