Help, what's growing in my sump!!!!


Hi All,
I have a question that may have an obvious answer but I can't find it anywhere. I have a 180 gal reeftank with a 40 gal sump. It's been up and running for about 4 months. I also have a HOB fuge hanging on the side of my sump. Last night I was looking in my sump with a flashlight to see if any pods were in there from my fuge and saw a bunch of things swimming in the sump. They look like tiny fish with no color yet, pretty much just eyes and tail. They are hard to see, but there are problably 30 or so swimming around in my sump, but none that I could see in the fuge or display. Does anyone have any idea what they could be. They weren't crawling around like pods, they were swimming like a fish and very fast.
They are swimming toward the bottom, so they don't seem to be going through the baffles so they're not getting sucked into the fuge or display.


Active Member
could very well be offspring of one of your fish. Brine shrimp even. Hard to know without pics. Also hard to get pics lol.


Thanks, I was afraid it sounded stupid, but awhile back, one of my clowns found his way down there overnight, is it possible she laid eggs. If so is there anyway to keep them alive since I haven't prepared for them?


Active Member
i'd be interested to see if these develop. usually you're supposed to have a breeding tank set up with all the baby fish food, but there should be some good nutrients down in your sump so...


I'll keep you posted, they've been living for a few days, so that's probably a good sign whatever they are. :).


LOL, the main thing i'm confused about was I could've sworn it was the male that got sent down, but maybe I'm remembering wrong. But thanks for the congrats!


i can try but it will be really hard, it's really cramped under there and they're hard to see, but I'll see what i can do