reefside oc
New Member
There is this red, looks almost like blood, substance growing on our sand. It does not look like hair algea, which we have had before. It seems dense, thick. It seems to be mostly contained to one area and does not seem to be growing. Not sure if this is an algea or what. It has been there prob like 3 or 4 days. Any information would be a huge help.
150 gal
2 MH 2 PC
Temp 79
Am, ites 0
ates 5
pH 8.2
sg 1.023
phos maybe .5 (tester hard to read)
Sorry about the pictures. Its in the back behind our rock so its hard to get a good shot.
150 gal
2 MH 2 PC
Temp 79
Am, ites 0
ates 5
pH 8.2
sg 1.023
phos maybe .5 (tester hard to read)
Sorry about the pictures. Its in the back behind our rock so its hard to get a good shot.