Help with 100gal stocklist?


Ok.. i just got an early bday gift today...... a 100 gallon tank with all the works (stand, lights, filter stuff, etc).
Ill be startin the cycle sometime this weekend,so now i kinda wanna start figurin out what fish Ill add.
This is meant to be wither FO or FOWLR.
What is my maximum adult size for any fish I keep?
How many fish should i keep?
Suggestions as to what fish to keep would be nice too.
Also, the filter I got is a wet dry. Is that ok or should i exchange it for a canister?


Active Member
Tank dimensions?
I'd suggest making it a FOWLR ystem. The live rock will be beneficial in terms of filtration/habitat.
Invest in a skimmer for the tank. You'll be glad you did.
What fish do you like? Community/predatory?
Research carefully and ask people who have kept the fish you want to have.
Look at; adult size, compatability, temperament, diet.


What I want to do is cernter the tank around one particular fish I like.
Now, that being said, I love lionfish in general. So maybe A voilitan would be nice.
I really like the blue line trigger and there is a couple of angels (emperor, blueface) that I love.
Now, Im assuming keeping one of each of those is impossible, and im fine with that, so Im curious how I could keep those and with what.
Ill add LR slowly as I go since its expensive here and Im a poor college student lol.
As for the dimensions of my tank......... GAH i forget... but I can say its not very tall. its more wide than anything and height more or less is the same as the depth.
Based on a certain site's tanks, Im assuming its what is called a 100gal long and the measurements are probably 72 x 18 x 17.
Could be wrong though


Active Member
well the blueline will make that tank it own if u dont, lion needs a 125 minimally. id go w/ a more peaceful trigger an d a smaller lion


From what I have read the triggerfish thinks the lionfish's spines are candy canes and will rip them off. Might not want to mix those two.
If the lionfish was the feature fish in a lightly stocked set up I would think a 100gals would be enough. Maybe I am wrong.
Anybody else have opinions? Lionfish in a 100gal tank.


personally i like the blackfoot lions. Maybe an antennata if volitans get too big... good to know about the trigger...
so, that beint the case, what fish do work with triggers?
As for the wet dry, i got 2 emperor 400's. needless to say im missin a skimmer. but thatll come when i start adding fish.


i would defently get a skimmer if you plan on getting a lionfish...i would also say that fish such as puffers,triggers,and angles are not good with lions. i would maby put a small tang such as a yellow, purple, kole, or tomi. also maby some peaceful fish like clowns or others


yeah thats kinda the plan. To center the tank around one fish. if it were a lion, yeah some tang (or tangs... i have no idea how many or what kind.. i LOVE sailfin tangs tho).
If i center it around an angel, no idea what Id do. IME angels have been rather peaceful but ive only done dwarf angels.
The trigger i like but again no idea what I could put with it since I know they are aggressive and I really would not like a whole tank with nothing but a trigger....