Help with 125g stock


So I am almost ready to start adding my stock to my 125g.
I need some advice on my list, and in which order to add the fish.
I want...
Green bird wrasse
A clown (maybe a pair, either maroon or clarkii)
powder brown/blue tang
yellow tang (if I can find a good deal black tang)
Humu Trigger
3-4 Anthias
1 Angel (recommendations?)
I will be getting a tunze wavebox for this tank also. My skimmer is a euro-reef 135.


Active Member
Skip the Humu and do one of the more peaceful Triggers. Crosshatch, Blue Jaw, or Sargassum. You can do pretty much any Angel aside from the really aggressive.


Active Member
A good point from Prime, however I had a Huma for years that was less aggressive than my current Sargassum, so you never know...As far as an Angel, I would look at the Chaetodontoplus genus angels, they are larger than a Dwarf, but manageably sized compared to the big boys. They include Blue Spotted (Very underrated Angel), Personifer, Scribbled, Sinagapore, or my favorite the Black Velvet. All these angels would be great in a 125 for life....Sounds like you have a good plan going though.....Based on your list, I would do the Angel and the Acanthurus Tang last. Angels need an established tank, and your Acan Tang will likely be your dominant fish (believe it or not), btw you should consider the Mimic/Chocolate Tang over the Powder Brown, far prettier IMO. Get one as a baby, they go from all yellow into their adult coloration.
Oh, if you do decide on a Sargassum or Blue Throat Trig, make them first in, they adapt much easier in a less crowded tank.


Originally Posted by kjr_trig
A good point from Prime, however I had a Huma for years that was less aggressive than my current Sargassum, so you never know...As far as an Angel, I would look at the Chaetodontoplus genus angels, they are larger than a Dwarf, but manageably sized compared to the big boys. They include Blue Spotted (Very underrated Angel), Personifer, Scribbled, Sinagapore, or my favorite the Black Velvet. All these angels would be great in a 125 for life....Sounds like you have a good plan going though.....Based on your list, I would do the Angel and the Acanthurus Tang last. Angels need an established tank, and your Acan Tang will likely be your dominant fish (believe it or not), btw you should consider the Mimic/Chocolate Tang over the Powder Brown, far prettier IMO. Get one as a baby, they go from all yellow into their adult coloration.
Oh, if you do decide on a Sargassum or Blue Throat Trig, make them first in, they adapt much easier in a less crowded tank.
ok thanks for the help guys. I wanted the huma because I thought i heard that they were one of the more docile species, guess I heard wrong.
Also would it be possible to add an eel somewhere in there, if so which type and at what time?


Active Member
Originally Posted by OSUaquarist
ok thanks for the help guys. I wanted the huma because I thought i heard that they were one of the more docile species, guess I heard wrong.
Also would it be possible to add an eel somewhere in there, if so which type and at what time?
If you want the most low risk Triggers, a Male and Female Bluethroat pair would be great in your tank, but I do think Huma's are good Triggers too (just don't get a Lionfish), my Huma was literally the least agressive fish I have ever owned, I say that because it is the only fish I never saw (in 5 years) chase another fish....If you want a Huma, get a Huma. FYI Bob Fenner (noted author) considers them a "peaceful" Trigger choice....Rectangle Huma is a good one too.
Eels....Zebra is the most docile most would say, Snowflake and Goldentail would likely do very well in your setup as well. I have never heard of a Zebra Eel attacking a reasonably sized fish. You could add them whenever. The other 2 I would add late.
BTW, looking forward to Sept. 13th.....GO TROJANS


ok, so I am trying to decide which fish to get first. In a couple days/week I should be ready for my first guy! Problem is... this site doesn't have any of the possible triggers in stock, except for the small humas (If I decide to go with a huma when should I add it to my tank?)
I was thinking of adding the green bird wrasse first but am concerned that it may get agressive if I add it first. Which out of my list would be best for a first fish. Remember that the hardier the better, I probably can't add a tang for a couple months at least, are any others on my list delicate?
I was also thinking of a butterfly, either longnose, pearlscale or racoon anything I should know?


Active Member

Originally Posted by kjr_trig
A good point from Prime, however I had a Huma for years that was less aggressive than my current Sargassum, so you never know...As far as an Angel, I would look at the Chaetodontoplus genus angels, they are larger than a Dwarf, but manageably sized compared to the big boys. They include Blue Spotted (Very underrated Angel), Personifer, Scribbled, Sinagapore, or my favorite the Black Velvet. All these angels would be great in a 125 for life....Sounds like you have a good plan going though.....Based on your list, I would do the Angel and the Acanthurus Tang last. Angels need an established tank, and your Acan Tang will likely be your dominant fish (believe it or not), btw you should consider the Mimic/Chocolate Tang over the Powder Brown, far prettier IMO
. Get one as a baby, they go from all yellow into their adult coloration.
Oh, if you do decide on a Sargassum or Blue Throat Trig, make them first in, they adapt much easier in a less crowded tank.
Do what?..... you're crazy... I don't agree with that at all... I know that its your opinion and all.
On another note, I am really liking the yellow belly blue hippo tang I saw the other day, that was pretty sweet.