help with 20 gallon long please


help with 20 galllon long please
its beenup for six months i have a biowheel and a small powerhead and a 65 odyssea light im trying to make it a reef tank what do ineed to make it succesful


Originally Posted by dc2mlbsm
list what you have right now(equipment, sand or cc, fish, etc.)
bio wheel filter
65 watt odyssea
regular 18wt flourescent
small power head
20lbs of lr
regular sand
conde anenome
rock anenome
1 turbo snail
yellow tail damsel
6 blue leg hemits

sign guy

Active Member
Originally Posted by marinebgnr
bio wheel filter
65 watt odyssea
do you have both of these?
regular 18wt flourescent
small power head
20lbs of lr
regular sand
conde anenome
rock anenome
^How long have you had these?
1 turbo snail
yellow tail damsel I hate these guys
6 blue leg hemits

what dou you want to add?


Originally Posted by sign guy
what dou you want to add?
yeah i have both lights on it had anenomes for 2 months worried about filter system and i hate the fish two


Originally Posted by sign guy
no it would be better to get a hot skimmer from coralife
will the protein skimmer act as a filter im kind of new

sign guy

Active Member
yeah it works alot better than a wisper. I made a mistake coralife dose not make a skimmer for your tank there sizes are 65 125 and 220. maybe a sea clone


Originally Posted by dc2mlbsm
sea clones work good in smaller tanks not 30 or up, i have one in my 20 gallon and it works good for me.
is it reaaly necessary to get it im short on moneey but trying to maintain a good reef tank


Originally Posted by sign guy
sorry but it is. you have other choices but a skimmer is the cheapest
oh man have u ever heard of a home made one and what if i cant get it for a while

sign guy

Active Member
I havent but post in dyi
if no one can help you with a dyi skimmer i would hold off on all fish till you can get a skimmer the corals will filter the water but imo i would still hold off.


In a 20 gallon you can probably do without a skimmer if you are religious about your water changes. But I think you'll need more light if you want corals..Goes back to the question of what do you want to add - ?


I had a those same lights on a 20L. The only thing I has success keeping was polyps and xenia. They had to be kept up high though. No skimmer, just an aquaclear hob, along with biweekly water changes. did well for a while! Good Luck


Originally Posted by Sula
In a 20 gallon you can probably do without a skimmer if you are religious about your water changes. But I think you'll need more light if you want corals..Goes back to the question of what do you want to add - ?
another anenome i have a conde and possibly frogspawn i bought it one time and it shriveeled up and died


Originally Posted by HSanchez
I had a those same lights on a 20L. The only thing I has success keeping was polyps and xenia. They had to be kept up high though. No skimmer, just an aquaclear hob, along with biweekly water changes. did well for a while! Good Luck
yeah i have a 20 lng do u think i should change the water weekly or what


In my 15L I have ~30 watt ~45 watt output NO t-5s and my softies are doing well. Though you'll want quite a bit more for stoney corals and anenomies. The lights you have should (depending on spectrum and output etc) be adequate for soft croals. But i dunno if those anenomies will sruvive. If you can stand the look of it, and have a decent power unused air pump, lee's makes a HOT in tank skimmer that you can get for ~$20-30. Not exactly pretty but effective, specialy when you change the wood airstone for the ceramic ones rena makes.


Originally Posted by Bojik
In my 15L I have ~30 watt ~45 watt output NO t-5s and my softies are doing well. Though you'll want quite a bit more for stoney corals and anenomies. The lights you have should (depending on spectrum and output etc) be adequate for soft croals. But i dunno if those anenomies will sruvive. If you can stand the look of it, and have a decent power unused air pump, lee's makes a HOT in tank skimmer that you can get for ~$20-30. Not exactly pretty but effective, specialy when you change the wood airstone for the ceramic ones rena makes.
where can i get this skimmer u speak of