help with 20 gallon long please


Originally Posted by Bojik
In my 15L I have ~30 watt ~45 watt output NO t-5s and my softies are doing well. Though you'll want quite a bit more for stoney corals and anenomies. The lights you have should (depending on spectrum and output etc) be adequate for soft croals. But i dunno if those anenomies will sruvive. If you can stand the look of it, and have a decent power unused air pump, lee's makes a HOT in tank skimmer that you can get for ~$20-30. Not exactly pretty but effective, specialy when you change the wood airstone for the ceramic ones rena makes.
do u have pics of ur tank


No i don't :( and my digital camera is no good at it either. Just do a google search for: lee's protein skimmer. Should be the second link or so. I have the small one.