Help with 75 gal setup


Hi everyone. Next month will be my 10th anniversary and my wife want to upgrade my 30 gal to a 75 gal. I need some help with this set up so that I wouldn't waste any money. I need to know if I should have the tank drill for a sump, I know that I will be able to put the heater in the sump a get rid of any powerhead in the tank so that it would have a clean look to it. My fear with going with a sump is that there is a chance of it flooding my living room. I know what a sump is, but I never had one so I'm not sure how they work. I was think of going with a really good HOB skimmer, but didn't want to regret not getting the tank drill for a sump in the future. So if I go with a HOB skimmer which one should I get. I want to stay with T-5 lighting, because I love the one that I have on my 30 gal, but I want to know if I should stay with Current-USA. Also what kind of powerhead should I get. If I'm missing anyting please let me know. Thanks everyone for your help.


Staff member
What type of tank are you setting up? FO, FOWLR, reef? What filters will you be using?
Of course, with a sump, you can put the skimmer in the sump.


Beth it will be a reef tank. I will be using a HOB filter like an Aqua Clear, and yeah I know that if i get a sump that I can put the skimmer in it.

sinner's girl

type of tank is important...Edit (nevermind, we posted at the same time) do you plan on a high or low bio load?
I don't have sump or skimmer in my 75gl, but it's not reef and I keep a low bio-load.
By upgrading do you mean you've moving your 30gl tank inhabitants to the 75gl? (in which case you could use the 30gl as a sump) or are you keeping the 30gl and also going to have a 75gl?


The way a sump works:
1) Water is pumped from the sump into the main tank.
2) The main tank overflows into the overflow tube.
3) The overflow tube dumps into the sump.
There is not that much risk of flood - the main one being the hose from the sump pump to the tank getting disconnected.
Inside the sump you can get creative making your own filtration scheme, or buy/copy an existing design. I got creative myself, and am happy with the results - though everyone I have spoken to hates my design and insists it will fail someday.
Good luck!


Originally Posted by Sinner's Girl
type of tank is you plan on a high or low bio load?
I don't have sump or skimmer in my 75gl, but it's not reef and I keep a low bio-load.
By upgrading do you mean you've moving your 30gl tank inhabitants to the 75gl? (in which case you could use the 30gl as a sump) or are you keeping the 30gl and also going to have a 75gl?
Once the 75gl is cycle I will move everything from the 30gl to the 75gl. If I decide to use a sump I will use the 30 gal. I am planning on having a moderate bio-load.


Drewsta I like how your sump is set up. What size is it? Was it hard to make, and with that design does it keep out micro bubbles out of the DT tank?