help with a coral banded shrimp.


Active Member
good luck trying to catch it i spent an hour trying to catch mine once it is still in the tank( i was mad at it for tearing a new coral i got)


Active Member
get rid of it, the bigger they get the more things they will attempt to eat/accomplish eating. i had one that constantly tried to catch my yellow tail damsel, as well as my clown. the clown being a little slower would always have nips and tears on her fins from it.


which is it ???
The peppermint or the coral banded. I have a coral banded and it does pick at everything and everyone in the tank. He seams to get more aggresive every day.



Originally posted by crashammer
And I think it eat my peppermint shrimp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My CBS ate a camel shrimp 5 minutes after i opened 6the bag and there wasnt a single thiong I could do abut it....he had a nice $7 meal!!!! That little f*****!!!!