Help with a new QT..please


New Member
I have a major outbreak of ich or velvet don't know which. I have a Reef tank with inverts. I have never used a QT (i know).. but now I want to set one up for treatment. Can some guide me through the steps of setting up a 25 gal for treatment. I will probably use copper treatment just because I don't know what disease I'm working with. I just don't know what filter I should use? should I use 15 gallons of water from main tank and fill rest with RO/DI water? I'm just lost as to get going. I appreciate anyone's help.


New Member
It looks like ick. I have Dipped my tank every other day now for about 7 minutes each. His eyes look really bad. It doesn't look like the dips are doing much good, that makes me think it isn't ick. All fish are scratching against rocks and what my shrimp to get on them all the time. 4 damsels, 1 tang.. at the moment.


Staff member
Dips alone don't work for ich!
Have you setup the hopital tank or not? That is what needs to be done, then administer hyposalinity.
Are you seeing white specs on the fish at this point?


New Member
I need some guidelines on the QT. I must set one up immediately. But I'm not sure on what exactly to get and how long it takes to get it cycled and how to get it to cycle with no substrate. I was thinking on buying a 25 gallon Eclipse system. Is this sufficient with also a heater. Just tell me what to purchase and I will buy tonight. I can't stand to see my fish like this.