I am looking for a pic of Atelomycterus macleayi, there are two sharks that are labeled as marbled cat sharks, and I am wondering which corresponds with it's name
he looks like my cat shark... they both could... just that one of the sharks has a different shade of color... http://dk.reeflex.net/images/cEcKgddR85.jpg either info is all over the net as to this cat shark...
https://forums.saltwaterfish.com/t/309289/coral-catshark from this thread I saw someone mention..
"There are two very similar sharks the coral cat shark(Atelomycterus marmoratus) and the marbled cat shark (Atelomycterus Macleayi) They both stay relativly small around 24" at maximum mature length . Now there is the White spotted bamboo shark (chiloscyllium plagosum) They reach a maximum length of about 37 "."