i have a 125 fowlr, the first inhabitants were a purple tang and a emperor angel. the the tang and angel were together at the lfs and figured they would be ok.wrong,2 days later the angel tried to be the boss and i awoke to an angel floating with severe slices down his side. everything i have put in there with him he has killed (a spiny burrfish,and a stars and stripes puffer) well this weekend i purchased a large foxface figuring he would defend himself (larger than the tang) to no avail, the foxface is left cowering in the corner hidden behind one of the powerheads.he makes daring runs for the seaweed and is eating rather well considering his stress levels,but the tang won't leave him alone for more than 10 min. i tried rearranging all of my rock before i added the foxface tying to make the tang less there anything else i can try? i just don't want to stress the foxface to death.
on a side note,the tang has become absolutely beautiful while in his dominate state. his colors are brighter than ever
on a side note,the tang has become absolutely beautiful while in his dominate state. his colors are brighter than ever