Help with Acclimation


I just bought a diamond gobby to help keep my sand clean and OMG this thing is a JUMPER! I can't even get a cup of water out of the acclimation bucket without him jumping out... this is a 3 gallon bucket and this bugger can get out!!
HOW do I acclimate him??? He has me so jumpy, my phone about gave me a heart attack. Have I mentioned that I LOVE to watch my fish but the thought of touching one makes me cringe?
UGH I haven't had this happen.. .how in the world am I supposed to acclimate something that won't let me take water out of the bucket? He's in there with 2 green chromis so I don't want to just dump him in the DT.
Also they are sand sifters, bottom dwellers, do I need to worry about him jumping out of the DT? 1/2 is glass with a 2" opening at the back and the other 1/2 is egg crate with 2 2" openings at the back for stuff.


Originally Posted by Kynekke
I just bought a diamond gobby to help keep my sand clean and OMG this thing is a JUMPER! I can't even get a cup of water out of the acclimation bucket without him jumping out... this is a 3 gallon bucket and this bugger can get out!!
HOW do I acclimate him??? He has me so jumpy, my phone about gave me a heart attack. Have I mentioned that I LOVE to watch my fish but the thought of touching one makes me cringe?
UGH I haven't had this happen.. .how in the world am I supposed to acclimate something that won't let me take water out of the bucket? He's in there with 2 green chromis so I don't want to just dump him in the DT.
Also they are sand sifters, bottom dwellers, do I need to worry about him jumping out of the DT? 1/2 is glass with a 2" opening at the back and the other 1/2 is egg crate with 2 2" openings at the back for stuff.
I will never claim to be an expert, but my understanding is with the exception of very few types of fish most of them are not jumpers unless something is wrong (temp, chemistry, etc.) Or maybe he wants to be fed. One thing I just thought up is, cover the bucket with something (lid, etc) that you can see through and siphon the water out into another bucket. Then you could also siphon the water in ... Like the drip method they suggest here.


I'll try that! This thing is possessed! He's jumping like crazy so bad that my walls and floor are soaked. I feel so bad for the little Chromis, they are scared to death of him.
An article, pre-purchase, said these are timid... TIMID? Mine reminds me of the Exorcist girl.


Originally Posted by Kynekke
I'll try that! This thing is possessed! He's jumping like crazy so bad that my walls and floor are soaked. I feel so bad for the little Chromis, they are scared to death of him.
An article, pre-purchase, said these are timid... TIMID? Mine reminds me of the Exorcist girl.
Heh, well, I just learned in another forum that Gobies are known for jumping which surprised me. I thought only firefish were jumpers. I hope this works ok for you, but please let me know as when we start to introduce fish this is one type we were wanting.


Active Member
I agree, just cover the bucket. One tube should be running from your main tank into the bucket, and have another bucket lower than the first and have a tube going from that one to the lowest bucket - making it so the water within the middle bucket is constant, but the water parameters are slowly becoming more like the main tank. Then you can cover that middle bucket and not worry about putting a glass in there to take the water out.