help with algae


Active Member
im posting this for my sister-in-law.
she has a severe red bubble algae problem. can't ever seem to get rid of it. anyone have any suggestions as to how to tame this problem?
i can't give you any specs on the tank other than:
6 y.o.
pc lighting
42 or 46 gal bowfront
sorry i can't provide any more info
but help would be appreciated


Active Member
Well, in order to help, we would first need to know what her water specs. are, speficially nitrates, and whether she uses tap water or RO water.


Active Member
i don't think she tests anything. as far as the water is concerned, she has a servivce come every month and clean the tank, perform water changes, etc. they also drop off pure seawater (not sure if it's been sterilized or anything but probably). other than the red algae problem, her tank is immaculate. i've known her for 4 years and she has never done anything to it. never tests or doses. the tank has never crashed. i can't figure it out.....