Help with Alk and PH


I'm trying to get my new 55 stable.
The problem is that I can't get my ph and alk to lower.
Alk=close to 7meq/l
Anyone have advice for me. I have not yet ruled out faulty test strips.


Active Member
Do you have a good gas exchange? (surface ripple) That could/will bring down the PH some.


well i have not yet hooked up my skimmer but do have 2 powerheads and a mechanical filter to agitate the surface. But why the alk off the charts?


First no test strips. Purchase good test kits. Second do not add anything to your tank. Purchase good quality salt, mix very well, match temp,and do a couple water changes.Again DONT add anything to yuor tank.


Active Member
Hook up your skimmer. That will aerate your water, which will increase carbon dioxide. most high pH situations encountered are caused by a carbon dioxide deficiency. Normal air from the room contains some CO2, so that should help.
Are you using any additives? And is your tank heavily planted? Plants and algae will drive down CO2 in your water through their respiration, thus increasing ph. (That's why ph normally drops at night, when photosynthesis of plants and algae largely ceases.)
Just a few thoughts!


And if all of that doesnt work, there are several additives made for smaller reef tanks that add calc, mag, stron and buffer your system all at the same time.

mpls man

Active Member
Originally Posted by uberlink
Hook up your skimmer. That will aerate your water, which will increase carbon dioxide. most high pH situations encountered are caused by a carbon dioxide deficiency. Normal air from the room contains some CO2, so that should help.
Are you using any additives? And is your tank heavily planted? Plants and algae will drive down CO2 in your water through their respiration, thus increasing ph. (That's why ph normally drops at night, when photosynthesis of plants and algae largely ceases.)
Just a few thoughts!
hey uberlink.... where in mpls do you live???


Active Member
Not to hijack this guy's thread too much...but I'm about 8 blocks south of Lake and a few blocks west of 35W.