help with an elegance


has anyone ever had this happen to their elegance? i have one that started showing these symptoms about a couple of week ago and need to know if this has happened to anyone else, and if so what did you do. the part that i'm worried about is in the fifth paragraph down when it talks about the white filaments showing. i've put it a more shaded spot in the tank and iodine dipped it. is there any thing more i can do?
my water parameters are nitrites-0, nitrates-0, ammonia-0, Ca-450, pH-8.4, sg-1.024, and temp stays around 76. i have no fish and only snails and hermits in the tank. there are no corals touching it. no signs of any other infection. so any help to save it would be GREAT!!!!!!! PLEASE HELP!!!!
I would hate to see such a nice coral die.


Active Member
From what I understand there's really nothing you can do except keep great water quality and a no stress enviroment. Make sure nothing picks at it and no rocks cut the flesh to cause an infection. How long have you had it and what's your lighting like? If you had done your research before buying you would know this is extremely common in Indo elegances and they shouldn't be purchased.


I have one and it was doing great. Then all the sudden it started to decline. I took a good look at it and found a very, very small crab had actually dug into the coral and was eating it. Take a very good look at the coral to see if this is the issue. Also I have mine where my return line bounces off the glass in the sand. Also I have it under 2 175 MH. I think proper placement is very important. Mine has made almost a 100% recovery at this point. Looking better day by day. Good luck.


Originally Posted by mscarpena
I have one and it was doing great. Then all the sudden it started to decline. I took a good look at it and found a very, very small crab had actually dug into the coral and was eating it. Take a very good look at the coral to see if this is the issue. Also I have mine where my return line bounces off the glass in the sand. Also I have it under 2 175 MH. I think proper placement is very important. Mine has made almost a 100% recovery at this point. Looking better day by day. Good luck.
ok, thanks. i'll look over it again and see if i see anything. since the dip, it has stopped shedding, so i'm hoping that that is a good sign. as far as lighting goes, i'm using a 48' dual compact w/2 10,000k and 2 actentic. i was told that that would be enough lighting. as far as flow goes, it get good flow, but not direct flow.


Originally Posted by petjunkie
From what I understand there's really nothing you can do except keep great water quality and a no stress enviroment. Make sure nothing picks at it and no rocks cut the flesh to cause an infection. How long have you had it and what's your lighting like? If you had done your research before buying you would know this is extremely common in Indo elegances and they shouldn't be purchased.
i've had it now since the first of nov. it was doing great until a couple of weeks ago. no signs of infection yet. i guess i'm going to have to throw the indo outdo


Originally Posted by petjunkie
From what I understand there's really nothing you can do except keep great water quality and a no stress enviroment. Make sure nothing picks at it and no rocks cut the flesh to cause an infection. How long have you had it and what's your lighting like? If you had done your research before buying you would know this is extremely common in Indo elegances and they shouldn't be purchased.
My water quality is good, but mine definately is not in a "no-stress" environment. My Coral Banded Shrimp dances in it. I had a yellow watchman host it, and he was eaten. My clown fish hosts it now - He rubs all throughout it. When I feed the elegance, the engineer goby will sometimes rip the food from her clutch. HErmits and snails will often cliff-jump off my LR into the elegance, and then rip and crawl their way out. Since the elegance has grown about 2" in the 6 months I've had it, it's skeleton is now 6" long, and when fully opened at full light, it rubs against live rock for hours. Seeing that this tank is only 14 gal, the elegance catches EVERYTHING, the good and the bad.
With all this said, the only "issue" I've ever had is the elly blowng up like a balloon when it ate the watchman, and the right corner of the elly is damaged from live rock falling on it and laying on it for 12hours. This happened 2 months ago, it receded about 1/2", and then stopped. It is a very healthy specimen, most say that nicest they have ever seen.
I tell you all of this because I PROBABLY DO NOT deserve to be one of the lucky ones who have managed to keep this species for >1 yr. However, outside of all the chaos, this tank is maintained meticulously, gravel vac once a week, 1-2gal water change every 4 days, and a varied diet of phyto, mysis, form 1, & raw shrimp.
One hypothesis I have come up with it elegance thrives on water with phosphates. Call me crazy. But the old owner of this tank/coral used to top off with tap water, and the phosphates must have been absorbed into the rock, because to this day, phosphates leech out into the water (I test my water before water change, phos=zero; after in the tank, I test and reads .75-1.0). I managed to get the phosphates down to .15 using PhosGuard, and the elly reacted negatively, secreting some kind of necrotic tissue into the water. I took the 'Guard pouch out of the overflow, phates went back up, and the elegance stopped acting funny.
I know years ago, elegance was VERY common and easy to keep. It was considered a "beginner's coral." Im wondering if that has anything to do with less reefers using RO in the past, and using tap instead. Im wondering if there is some kind of metal in the tap that is also found naturally where elegance thrive, and RO/DI systems remove this metal/nutrient.
This is merely a hypothesis based on experience. But one thing that is fact, is you need a lot of luck with this coral. Below is right after she swallowed my watchman. Notice the CBS is looking for leftovers. He is such a grub.


Couple more pics. The bottom one is right after the lights come on. Notice the color change? This coral changes color all the time based on light, time of day, and whether it is eating or not.
Sorry for the 'jack, I love this species.



I have two of them and they are thriving. I feed them pieces of whole raw shrimp that I buy from the grocery store as well as phyto and they love it. When I feed mine shrimp I drag the piece over it's tentacles and wait and it reaches all it's tentacles up into the water and takes it from my hand. Then the cleaners battle it for the shrimp. It's cool and they seem happy give yours a chance and feed it. It should bounce back


so, i got to looking and found something, not sure what it was. 8 legs and white. no claws, and looked like a "tick". it was about half dime size and it was munching on a mushroom that was next to where my elegance was at. i wish i took a pic of it to post, but he got flushed before i thought about it. i'm not sure if that was the cause of the decline, but i'm not ruling it out either. has anyone ever seen anything like that?