Help with Anemone


Here is what it looked like yesterday when I brought it home.

And here is what is looks like today:

Is this normal?


Active Member
im not an expert on these things but ill try to help
first off wats ur parameters?
wen did u get this beautiful invertabrate
did u acclimate it, qt it? info plz
how did u put it inside of ur tank????
if u put it in ur tank like that thats in ur first pic i dont think that was a very good thing. u shouldve placed him inside or ur tank right side up
the second and third pic looks like it has 2 feet. that i cant help u with


Originally Posted by rcdude1990
im not an expert on these things but ill try to help
first off wats ur parameters?
wen did u get this beautiful invertabrate
did u acclimate it, qt it? info plz
how did u put it inside of ur tank????
if u put it in ur tank like that thats in ur first pic i dont think that was a very good thing. u shouldve placed him inside or ur tank right side up
the second and third pic looks like it has 2 feet. that i cant help u with
All of these Q's need to be answered for us to help you! Definately he is in distress.


I did acclimate him! I also put him in by hand right side up, he ended up the you see him in the first pic... I got him yesterday @ my lfs, followed all his advise on acclimation and went above and beyond that.. I have had such a problem w/ my tank it's not even funny!!
The guy @ the lfs told me my water was perfect and i could put anything in there.. I don't know all the #'s cause i don't have a test kit. I do all the regular maint. but i can not seem to keep anything alive in my tank..


Active Member
oo ok, i dont want to b a party pooper but u really shoulve researched more on this topic
jus a few question
wats ur system(filter, tank size, how much live sand, how much lr)
also how old is ur tank
wat kinda fish do u have in it
and tomrro i recommened gettin a master test kit
mine was only 12 dollars


Originally Posted by Jake123
I did acclimate him! I also put him in by hand right side up, he ended up the you see him in the first pic... I got him yesterday @ my lfs, followed all his advise on acclimation and went above and beyond that.. I have had such a problem w/ my tank it's not even funny!!
The guy @ the lfs told me my water was perfect and i could put anything in there.. I don't know all the #'s cause i don't have a test kit. I do all the regular maint. but i can not seem to keep anything alive in my tank..
Ok, if your anenome looked like this after 2 days your lfs lied to you. Buy your own test kit. Lfs's often say whatever just to get you to buy something. This anenome is in bad shape. How long did you acclimate him for?


Originally Posted by sepulatian
Ok, if your anenome looked like this after 2 days your lfs lied to you. Buy your own test kit. Lfs's often say whatever just to get you to buy something. This anenome is in bad shape. How long did you acclimate him for?
I floated it for thirty min. then poured some water out of the bag and put about a cup of my water in, waited another thirty min. did it again and waited thirty min. to put him in the tank.
It's a 55 gal w/ a magnum 350 canister filter. i have a skimmer
and two power heads... one large bag of sand and about 30-40 lbs of lr. no fish!!


Originally Posted by Jake123
I floated it for thirty min. then poured some water out of the bag and put about a cup of my water in, waited another thirty min. did it again and waited thirty min. to put him in the tank.
It's a 55 gal w/ a magnum 350 canister filter. i have a skimmer
and two power heads... one large bag of sand and about 30-40 lbs of lr. no fish!!

Well that would be why. If your LFS told you to do that, please don't go there anymore!!!!! Inverts should be drip acclimated for about 3-4 hours. You put him into acclimation shock and he will likely die. Drip acclimation is when you take the fish and the water in the bag and put it into a small bucket (small enough that the fish/ invert will be covered in water, but not a tiny bucket) You take a piece of airline tubing, syphon the water from your tank. You tie a knot in the hose and tighten it untill it is just dripping into the bucket. The acclimation of any invert, especially, stars, corals, or anenomies should take at least 4 hrs.


Active Member
mayb its the shock from acclimating or mayb there is a problem wit ur perameters how old is the tank
did u cycle it?


New Member
The doc that came with my anenome from recommends that they be
"...floated in bag for a half hour, pour out small amout of water from bag, and put in tank..."
This conflicts with advice here.


Originally Posted by bob_chauvin
The doc that came with my anenome from recommends that they be
"...floated in bag for a half hour, pour out small amout of water from bag, and put in tank..."
This conflicts with advice here.

Thats exactly what I did, as I bought mine from here and mine is fine!!


New Member
CoraLife AquaLight with 4 cf. This is on a 75g bowfront.
I am now floating the anemome 6" from the lights... She is laying horizontal, not attached by her foot.
I will also work on gentle force feeding .
PH is low 8. I have been adding buffer occasionally. I may take a water sample to my LFS to get the copper checked, as I use city water.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bob_chauvin
The doc that came with my anenome from recommends that they be
"...floated in bag for a half hour, pour out small amout of water from bag, and put in tank..."
This conflicts with advice here.
That is awesome...I think it is great that you put this out there disproving someones "better than you" advice..
..As far as the anemone, it could be lighing, flow, not enough or too much of one of those...Have you tried to feed it?


Active Member
After looking at the pictures more, I would have to say not enough flow..If there were enough, he would not be hanging like that


I'm answering this blind as I can't get the pics here at work. Anemones, no matter how they are acclimated will shrivel up and expel all of their internal water several times over the first few days in a new tank. Theya re trying to balance the water they keep inside with the new water they are living in.
They will also shrivel up to poop.
Do you know if he was fed shortly before you brought him home?
What type of lights is he under? Anemones do need stronger than stock lights. Minimum PCs. Mind you no fewer then 6 people will now tell you that PCs are not enough light for a nem. But they're fine.