Help with blue face angel

j carter

I have had my blue face for 2 years he is about 9 inches ,I broke a tank down a year ago and left my fish with another party for a few months & he got some type of bacterial infection and had some face peel as you can see.
Im trying evrything I can to get his color back around his head and etc. I have been feeding him as much green flakes as I can I have even tried soaking his mysis & krill in zoe by kent marine vitiam & mineral supplement the last month or so still no change I can see where the peel aroung the head is getting darker thats about it.
What ever I need to do im all for it just out of ideas the blue face is doing great eating everything just need to some how get his color back around his head how long will this take I was told 1-2 years?



Also hlle is cause by a number of different things i do beilieve its poor diet stray voltage and poor water quality.


Staff member
Yes, it is HLLE. Give us some info about your tank, water readings, LR? Do you have a grounding probe? What are you feeding this fish?

j carter

Originally Posted by Beth
Yes, it is HLLE. Give us some info about your tank, water readings, LR? Do you have a grounding probe? What are you feeding this fish?
This happend when the fish was out of my hands when I had to break a tank down Im sick about it he is now in my 400 gal for the past 4 months I dont have live rock other than 4 small med size rocks Its a fish only tank and If I ever have a out break I want to be able to use copper .
I got him eating green flakes & just now starting to try sea weed, most of his diet is mysis shrimp and some krill water is -1.20 salt ph 8.2
No grounding probe never heard of using one but I will If you say I need one will his color come back in time?


Active Member
Originally Posted by J Carter
This happend when the fish was out of my hands when I had to break a tank down Im sick about it he is now in my 400 gal for the past 4 months I dont have live rock other than 4 small med size rocks Its a fish only tank and If I ever have a out break I want to be able to use copper .
I got him eating green flakes & just now starting to try sea weed, most of his diet is mysis shrimp and some krill water is -1.20 salt ph 8.2
No grounding probe never heard of using one but I will If you say I need one will his color come back in time?
Salintiy is too low...1.024-1.025 is better. Are you feeding the angel plenty greens? What about vitamin soaled food (selcom & Zoe) ? Are you providing a source of sponge in the diet? You need to be feeding him angel formula. A blueface prefers PLENTY live rock with lots of hiding paces and it also provides grazing on algae which it does in the wild.
HLLE is not fatal in the short-term but it is a sign that something is lacking and can be fatal if you do not identify the cause of the disease and elminate/improve. . Stray voltage as earlier stated can also cause HLLE.
It woulld be a BIG mistake to add copper to the it damges the biological filter and it will damage the delicate balance in a closed marine system. I don;t care if other folks tell you it is okay to place copper in the will eventually regret it. short or long-term.
He positively needs a souce of sponge in the the frozen angel formula ASAP.
he also demands pristine water check all your parameters. High nitrates are also no good for this angel.
It would appear to me from what you have posted diet is one of your problems contributing to the disease....but it may not be the only one.
If you have a source of macroalgae this too will help with reversing the disease.
You are better off purchasing the live rock and QTing the new fish or additions.


Active Member
Originally Posted by J Carter
This happend when the fish was out of my hands when I had to break a tank down Im sick about it he is now in my 400 gal for the past 4 months I dont have live rock other than 4 small med size rocks Its a fish only tank and If I ever have a out break I want to be able to use copper .
I got him eating green flakes & just now starting to try sea weed, most of his diet is mysis shrimp and some krill water is -1.20 salt ph 8.2
No grounding probe never heard of using one but I will If you say I need one will his color come back in time?
Salintiy is too low...1.024-1.025 is better. Are you feeding the angel plenty greens? What about vitamin soaked food (selcom & Zoe) ? Are you providing a source of sponge in the diet? You need to be feeding him angel formula. A blueface prefers PLENTY live rock with lots of hiding p'aces and it also provides grazing on algae which it does in the wild.
HLLE is not fatal in the short-term but it is a sign that something is lacking and can be fatal if you do not identify the cause of the disease and elminate/improve. . Stray voltage as earlier stated can also cause HLLE.
It woulld be a BIG mistake to add copper to the it damges the biological filter and it will damage the delicate balance in a closed marine system. I don;t care if other folks tell you it is okay to place copper in the will eventually regret it. short or long-term.
He positively needs a souce of sponge in the the frozen angel formula ASAP.
he also demands pristine water check all your parameters. High nitrates are also no good for this angel.
It would appear to me from what you have posted diet is one of your problems contributing to the disease....but it may not be the only one.
If you have a source of macroalgae this too will help with reversing the disease.
You are better off purchasing the live rock and QTing the new fish or additions.