Help with Brain


I just got a brain coral two days ago, and i put it in the tank and everything was fine. It was fine the next day, and it opened up to regular size. This morning it was fine, but i came to see it at lunch and it had shrivled back to the way it looked when i first got it. Im curious that it might by something bothering, etc, my coral beauty picking at it. Does anyone know what happened.


brains tend to do this.......i would not worry unless it lasts longer than a few days or you start to see tissue receding or wounds on it.


mullet i was thinking that maybe it was getting too much light. At the lfs they had it under 3 wpg and it was thriving and i moved it to 5 wpg.


could be a response to that.. maybe partially shade them for a few days or reduce the photo period a couple hours temporarily..
mine did this when i got them and those are the steps i took...had these two over a year now and they still do it...look great for 5 days then only partially open for 2. these numbers are approximate and i've come to accept it as normal...what i'm saying is that they dont open big and fine everyday, even at the fish store.
. this has been my experience and have read of others experiencing the same behavior with theirs.
good luck and i hope somebody else chimes in with an anserw of why..


I agree dt's has made a difference in my tank even with the high price tag it is worth it. What kind of brain do you have? I have an open brain and some days it looks like it is dying because it is very small and then all of a sudden it will get huge and fluffy for 5-6 days straight. It is something I have become used to as mullethead said.


nice coral! i love it but im realy worried! Mines much smaller like 5 inches at longest points. I hope it gets better, because its nighttime and the lights are off and its still shrunken. Help!


I have had that experience more than once and every time a fish was nipping at it. I would turn off the lights in the room (so the fish can't see you) and watch for a while. I suspect it could be the coral beauty. Angels love brains.
I hope it is just an adjustment to your tank and not a fish.
Good luck,


Its probably just getting usted to the new light. Give it some time...also, have you don the water change yet after the chemiclean?


thats y i dont like corals too much, cuz u can never tell if theyre ok. anemones, u just put on teh sand bed and they move wherever they want, but i wouldnt worry eric, usually new things take a while to get used to their new sorruoundings.


yeah DfishH is a wierd kid haha. I have no idea why he doesn't like corals but i tried to talk some sense into him and didn't suceed. As for the brain. My sal is at 1.023, which is perfect, and i've been adding calcium for like 4 months now. So those levels are okay. Its getting 5 wpg, and it does look different from the display. I moved it to the bottom of the tank now in hopes of it coming back to life.


oh yeah and marco, I have done the water change. Used distilled and did 4 gallon change. Used your salt method.



Originally posted by hhands361
I moved it to the bottom of the tank now in hopes of it coming back to life.

Hey just becasue its shrunk donst mean its gona die. Remember when i first got my anemone, and it wasnt usted to my lighting and was so shrunk i thought it died. Now that it is usted to my lighting, its doing great, but it took it about 2 weeks to become usted to my lights. Give it some time.


well i do like corals, i didntmean to say i didnt, i just like anemones bettor. im always afraid that my corals r gonna die! i just dont like to kill things! if i knew for a fact that corals woudl live for sure in my tank then id luv them all and have lots, plus there expensive! i need more money and my b days coming up, anyway good luk eric