HELP with bubble coral


my bubble coral hasn't fully opend up for a bout a month now...can someone help me please...i did a water change...everything seems fine and i also moved the water flow so its away from the bubble coral...i don't know what else to do


From time to time the one I had did that and a Lugol's dip would might try it:)


it opens up a little bit...but not as big as before...skeleton shows at night when it fully closes up...i just want it to fully expand like before...maybe its because its hot and its summer time???


New Member
We have a pink and green bubble. They are fairly hardy, not like a mushroom, but seem to tolerate different salinity, temps and PH levels etc. I have found both flourish if temp is maintained around 80.5, salinity .021 and PH, Nitrites, Nitrates, Phosphates and Calcium are at optimum levels. Depends on your size tank. e.g. my 90 gal reef is at 450ppm optimum calcium.
I digress....I have mine in medium flow under power compact lighting. You will have to move them around in different areas for about two days at a time to see if they like the flow in that spot. They completely close up showing their skeleton at night with the lights off. However it's not actually exposed. The thin membrane of the bubbles lining at the base hugs the framework so tightly it looks exposed.
I will spot feed them every other day with mysis shrimp. I will use an eye dropper and very gently squirt a few shrimp onto their feelers by the inflated bubble pods. Hard to miss as they look like little stubby tentacles. They will close up around the caught shrimp.
In my case a good indication of water health I watch my bubbles. If things aren't quiet right they wont blow up too much. If things are perfect they are in full bloom.
Sorry to make this long. Hope it helps a bit.


yeh i havnt spot fed my bubble in a while...i just did today so hopefully that helps...i also havn't been keeping up with water changes lately because i been busy =X...maybe that's why it isn't blooming up like it used too...hopefully it'll be ok again...


New Member
What are you using to test your water? Strips or a chemical test set? I use the Chemical set as it allows for more accurate readings.
My method is if a test does not cover all I need then I buy additional tests so everything is known to me.


i found a worm on top of my bubble coral...i picked up the bubble coral and found another worm under it...could this be the problem?


Active Member
what type of worm? post a pic iof you can? i havent heard of worms eating LPS but it could very well be the case, or at least they can be bothering it.


i cant get any good of my sixline wrass ate one of them though =) was small...reddish...lots of legs...


yeh i think it was a bristle worm...i did do some research...hopefully my sixline keeps eating them all