help with cc cleaners

mr . salty

Active Member
There is a vaccume devise that you can buy that does a super job cleaning Crushed coral substrate.It operates on a syphon...This is used everytime you do a water change.


Active Member
If your looking in terms of any other inverts that clean cc then I would reccommend the chocolate chip starfish. I have three of them and they do a really good job at cleaning my LS so I think they would clean cc. The only thing with the chocoalte chips is that they eat corals and other stars, but other than that they are great cleaners.


Ichiro. How old is your tank? The gravel cleaner is the best way. You also could every few days get a plastic rod and move the c/c around to turn it over. How deep is your c/c?


New Member
Originally posted by Carrie1429:
<strong>If your looking in terms of any other inverts that clean cc then I would reccommend the chocolate chip starfish. I have three of them and they do a really good job at cleaning my LS so I think they would clean cc. The only thing with the chocoalte chips is that they eat corals and other stars, but other than that they are great cleaners.</strong><hr></blockquote>
Hello, I'm very new at this and have had no problems with my CC substrate, but I was wondering if the chocolate chip stars would be suitable to add to my tank? Based on what I have in it currently. Any advise would be appreciated. I've only been up and running for a few weeks.


Active Member
Yes I think a choc. chip will do fine in your tank. As mentioned before I have 3 and I luv em. They each have their own personalty. Just make sure you don't put any corals, or any other species of star, but you can get more than 1 choc. chip. Also some people have said that their choc. chip ate some of their snails, but I've had my 3 for almost 6 months and they never bother anything. Just thought I'd let you know that.


how many c.c. starfish can i put in my FO 55 with 60lbs.LR 9 trochus snails, and 5 blue leg hermits? need something to clean algae off crushed coral, snails won't touch it!


Active Member
You can put quite a few in if you like that many. In my 26g long I have 3 so in a 55 you can have a lot more.


Active Member
As far as I know they get about 5 inches if you measure from one leg accross to the other, at least thats as big as mine have gotten. And no the choc. chips won't harm any fish at all, they move very slow.


Chocolate chip stars do not work with crushed coral that I am aware of. They are for LS with the cleaning and turning over of it. CC is too rough for them to bury themsleves in. I may be wrong and others will help tell it right but again I have not seen or heard of it suggested to put them in with CC. The only way to clean crushed coral that I know of is to get the Syphon vacumm.


my Chocolate chip star rarely went onto my sand. He just cruised around the rock and cleaned it off. I don't believe the chocolate chip is a burying star fish by nature though.


Active Member
The chocolate chip stars do not bury themselves and they can go on crushed coral although it is reccommend that they go on sand they still can go on cc. Some stars are different though because they might go on the rock or they will go in the substrate, each star is different so it just depends what one you get, like 2 of mine go mostly in the sand while the other one goes on the rocks.