We have a 155 gallon Reef Tank. Our fish so far consist of:
Yellow Belly Regal Tang
Sailfin Tang
Flagfin Angel
Diamond Goby
2 Clowns
Bicolor Blennie
2 Banjii Cardinals
2 Cleaner Shrimp
1 Blood Shrimp
4 blue and red legged hermit crabs
A few snails
Just wondering what fish would be beneficial for algae and clean up. Right now we are getting Hair Algae and other undesirable growth..
We also just upgraded from PC's to Metal Halides and wondering if this may be the reason for the spike in Algae.
We have checked our water parameters and they don't seem to be too bad.
PH - 8.2
Ammonia - 0
Nitrates - 20
Nitrite - 0
Alkalinity KH - 6.4
Phosphate -.5
Calcium - 480
Magnesium - 1170
Iodine - .03
Salinity -1.021
Yellow Belly Regal Tang
Sailfin Tang
Flagfin Angel
Diamond Goby
2 Clowns
Bicolor Blennie
2 Banjii Cardinals
2 Cleaner Shrimp
1 Blood Shrimp
4 blue and red legged hermit crabs
A few snails
Just wondering what fish would be beneficial for algae and clean up. Right now we are getting Hair Algae and other undesirable growth..
We also just upgraded from PC's to Metal Halides and wondering if this may be the reason for the spike in Algae.
We have checked our water parameters and they don't seem to be too bad.
PH - 8.2
Ammonia - 0
Nitrates - 20
Nitrite - 0
Alkalinity KH - 6.4
Phosphate -.5
Calcium - 480
Magnesium - 1170
Iodine - .03
Salinity -1.021