Help With Clown Please

Ok I have had my clowns for about 1 month now, and the one has gotten a lot bigger so I take it is the female... The last few days I have noticed the little one is swimming funny and staying low to the bottom. Nothing looks wrong with him at, just he is realy small now compared to the other one. Well this morning I get up and cant find him at all, then finally i see something moving in a cave I have that is covered with mushrooms, and it is him in there moving around. I was wondering if he is dying in there , should I move the rok and take him out, or should I just leave him alone? It is really hard to see in there to see what he is doing, but he is moving around.
OK he finaly came out of the cave, and he is swimming funny, and has a white color to his body, any ideas? His fins look ok, my water is at all 0's PH 8.3 where it has been for the longest time. My other clown is fine swimming around, dark color .... ANy help would be great


I have heard white spots on fish may be a disease called ich. I have never had it but you maybe be able to do a search and come up with something. good luck


Normally, if fish look like they are fading, so to speak, they are stressed. I'm really new at this, but I would check to see if anyone is bothering him. Are there other fish in the tank? I don't pretend to know much, but I have noticed this from my own mistakes before. Hopefully a shark will come in and help you. Good luck, and let us know how he is.
He is fading, no one is bothering him that I have seen, I have some hermits, a jaw fish, lawnmower Blenny, and another clown... The two clowns pretty much stay together.. I just fed them and he ate a very little, but did eat... Im wondering if this is normal or not? He is also breathing rapedly. All water params are normal... PH 8.3 Amonia 0 Nitrate 0 notrite 0


New Member
I've had a few damsels that all lost their color, hid, and breathed rapidly, and eventually died. I think it was ich that killed them because I remember seeing white spots and they were scratching themselves on the sand. I hope its not ich that you have. Good luck.


New Member
I'm not exactly sure because I'm pretty new to this whole fish thing. But I'm soaking the food in garlic juice which is supposed to boost the immune system. You may want to ask some other people about hyposalinity and medicines that could help if it is actually ich.

a&m aggie 04'

Active Member
there are a few ways to get rid of ich. Soaking food in garlic does boost their immune system but if hes already got ich it probably wont cure it. There are lots of medications to use that are Reef-Safe but they dont work as well as lets say a copper based medication.
If you dont already have one you need to set up a hospital tank, so that you can use a medication with copper in it. Another alternative is to do a hyposalinity treatment in your hospital tank.
You can do some searches on this board to see how to do these.


Dont be so quick to the ich death sentence. Is he faded or are there white spots or patches on him. Clowns all swim funny. Eating is definitely good. The breathing is a concern maybe have your water checked by your lfs (just in case) a second opinion is always good. Observe closely, all your fish are docile but se what is stressing him out.


I can tell you first hand when I had a parasite break out & in a general method of prevention, you should lower the salinity below .021. I don't know if you have inverts (crabs, snail, etc), because they could be effected by the salinity drop. I would suggest you to do this to remove any possible disease or parasite. This should be done over a period of 5-6 days, dropping the salinity by 2 or 3 points per day. Say your salinity is at .021, then the first day drop it safely to .018, the second day down to .015, third .013, fourth .011, & the fifth lastly to .009 (your goal). I know this sounds outrageously low & I thought so too, but ich (if that's what you have), most diseases, & parasites can't live at a salinity level this low.
Now if you have another tank & I suggest you get a 10 gal if you don't for new arrival isolation, put the inverts in there while you do the salinity drop. If you don't have another running aquarium (heat, pump, lighting) & all you have are snails & hermit type crabs (blue, red, etc) than a container like a bucket with some sand &/or a piece or two of live rock should work. If you have an extra heater & you should, use it to regulate the heat, but I have had inverts [snails & crabs] live in buckets while I was moving for weeks (shhh). Leave the container in a close-to-the-tank temperature room or part of a room away from windows & vents, if you don't have a heater. My fish started to reacts immediately towards this a good way. This procedure should be done for 30 days (I went 45 to be safe). I would say if you don't have coral & inverts & don't plan on purchasing any in the future, keep the salinity below .021, but not as low as .009. I keep mine safely at .019 & I have red & blue hermit crabs. I note that you have mushrooms & I also am about to receive a shipment from with with a mushroom & Anemone in it & will see how they respond to a salinity reading of .019.
Also, post in the Disease & Treatment board, you should get some good advice & good luck.


You have to know if it's diseased before you treat. Don't fix if it's not broke. Find out what the problem is.
THe clown is doing a lot better, the color is back. Still breathing a little hard, and staying at the bottom or a corner. IT IS EATING :)


Active Member
many sw fish fade at night,(and he was inside the rock), and then as the lights come on after a short period of tiem they regain their colors. Damsels are very well known for this, and clowns are damsels.
Just an observation, that could be a possiblity.
Yea last night, he was faded, this morning he was not. He eats and is doing better, but still stays at the bottom in a corner. I know its not ich because he doesnt have white spots. I guess ill just keep an eye on him for a while.


Active Member
another question, what do you mean by swimming funny?
clwnfish also have other problems we need ot be aware of, like bookynella(sp)
symptoms can be eratic breathing and swimming funnyalmost always looking up, as if standing almost on their tail