HELP with Clown


My female clown has been swimming into the powerhead for the last few days. My ammonia tests zero, so does nitrite, nitrates are at 20 (trying to get them down). Does a fish swimming into a powerhead always mean that it is ill or maybe she just likes the movement?


Active Member
Where did you hear that swimming into a PH means it is ill? It may be playing or trying to host the PH. Also, nitrates of 20 will not hurt a fish. Nitrates are more harmful to corals/inverts.


Active Member
Theres a lot of current where they live. Only a problem is shes panting, or seems off balance when swimming elsewhere. Although they will do that when they have gill problems like parasites, there will be other symptoms involved, and by the time they resort to the ph they look real sick. Make sure you dont have the air inlet tube connected to the PH, fine bubbles on gills will choke them.
IMHO if she doesnt otherwise appear ill, shes just catchin a narly wave.


Active Member
I have a question...I did not know that fish use a PH for something when they are sick. What's up with that?
Sorry to hijack sac!


Hi everyone,
Yes, I had my ammonia checked at the LFS yesterday and I bought the salifert test kit to make sure. IT is zero. My nitrates are actually around 15.
Both clowns are now swimming into the powerhead. This is really unusual for both of them. My male seems to be eating normal but the female is not as voracious as normal.
There are no parasites on them that I can see.... Both look beautiful.
I am hoping that they just like the way it feels?!?!
I had heard on SWF that a fish will swim directly into a powerhead when it is not getting enough oxygen to its gills, or when it has a parasite which may be affecting its gills.
Can you explain this air inlet thing more? I just have a regular old powerhead in there. I didnt change anything on it. Will it be okay?


New Member
My female TP clownfish was doing the same thing...and got progressivly worse as the days went on. Pretty soon she was swimming backwards and in tights little circles. Everyone I talked to couldn't figure it out until she began to swim upside down. The LFS told me that it was a bad swim bladder.Sadly ,we lost our female clown. Hopefully this is not the case with your clown.
Originally Posted by sac10918
Hi everyone,
Yes, I had my ammonia checked at the LFS yesterday and I bought the salifert test kit to make sure. IT is zero. My nitrates are actually around 15.
Both clowns are now swimming into the powerhead. This is really unusual for both of them. My male seems to be eating normal but the female is not as voracious as normal.
There are no parasites on them that I can see.... Both look beautiful.
I am hoping that they just like the way it feels?!?!
I had heard on SWF that a fish will swim directly into a powerhead when it is not getting enough oxygen to its gills, or when it has a parasite which may be affecting its gills.
Can you explain this air inlet thing more? I just have a regular old powerhead in there. I didnt change anything on it. Will it be okay?


OMG. I sure hope that's not the problem here. Is that caused by anything particular or can it be remedied with anything?


New Member
The LFS told me that its just happens and they don't know what brings it on. Also there isn't anything that I could have least thats what they told me. Now I am trying to find another true perc about the same size as the one that I still have.


Originally Posted by sac10918
My female clown has been swimming into the powerhead for the last few days. My ammonia tests zero, so does nitrite, nitrates are at 20 (trying to get them down). Does a fish swimming into a powerhead always mean that it is ill or maybe she just likes the movement?

Ummmm,I think u need 2 do something to oxenate(hope I spelled that right)the water I think it would help :happyfish


when I had clowns years ago, I couldn't afford an anemone, and mine used to do that a lot. It never led to his death.


Active Member
Some power heads have an airline tube that sticks out of the water connected to the jet to make bubbles.