help with clowns

does anyone know the compatibility for clowns? I'm interested in adding some but would like to add False Perculas, with black and white false perculas. Any ideas? tanks a 55 but just curious as to their toleration of other types of clowns.

bang guy

Those are both the same type of Clownfish. Both of the Clownfish species you're considering are Ocellaris and they will get along fine as long as they are not both female.


Active Member
Originally Posted by starfishprime
does anyone know the compatibility for clowns? I'm interested in adding some but would like to add False Perculas, with black and white false perculas. Any ideas? tanks a 55 but just curious as to their toleration of other types of clowns.
If they are Ocellaris, they'll get along. But you said "some". If you get 2 juvis, they will almost certainly form a M/F pair and be fine. But more than 1 pair of mature clowns, of any species, is asking for trouble, IMO & IME. Especially in a small tank. The LFS can keep juvis together, but not groups of adults.
Originally Posted by srfisher17
If they are Ocellaris, they'll get along. But you said "some". If you get 2 juvis, they will almost certainly form a M/F pair and be fine. But more than 1 pair of mature clowns, of any species, is asking for trouble, IMO & IME. Especially in a small tank. The LFS can keep juvis together, but not groups of adults.
To clarify I would like to get 2 black and white false perculas, and hopefully 2 false perculas as well. And in your opinion you think it may be fine for now, but in the long run it wouldnt work great as they matured?


Active Member
Those are all the same species, just differant colors, i have a black and white one and an orange one, and they get along just fine. 4 in one tank is a bad idea. I would only get two if i were you.

bang guy

Originally Posted by Hunt
Those are all the same species, just differant colors, i have a black and white one and an orange one, and they get along just fine. 4 in one tank is a bad idea. I would only get two if i were you.
One of each = yes
Two of each = trouble next year
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
One of each = yes
Two of each = trouble next year
ok thanks for all the information, I was just checking because the LFS was saying the the B/W Ocellaris weren't compatible with regular Ocellaris clowns. This gives me a bit to think about I would love to have two pairs but don't want any problems down the road, and 1 of each wouldn't be horrible but the two B/W Ocellaris I was looking at seemed to be a mated pair. decisions decisions decisions.


Active Member
Originally Posted by starfishprime
ok thanks for all the information, I was just checking because the LFS was saying the the B/W Ocellaris weren't compatible with regular Ocellaris clowns. This gives me a bit to think about I would love to have two pairs but don't want any problems down the road, and 1 of each wouldn't be horrible but the two B/W Ocellaris I was looking at seemed to be a mated pair. decisions decisions decisions.
Just an opinion: a mated pair of fish is a great addition to most tanks. Having 2 fish of the same species even tolerate each other is the exception in SW fishkeeping. Raising a pair is a great experience. BTW; your lfs guy is wrong. But be careful, both color phases are available in either the percula or the ocellaris brand. These 2 species will often get along, even breed; but they usually will be a problem when they mature. Be sure you get the same species, regardless of color.


Do you even need them in pairs? I've had people tell me they do better as a pair but I think that's just to make you have to buy more. I'd think one alone would be just fine.


Originally Posted by Garick
Do you even need them in pairs? I've had people tell me they do better as a pair but I think that's just to make you have to buy more. I'd think one alone would be just fine.
They definitely do better in pairs, but it's not necessary.