Help with college course load?


Active Member
Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 http:///t/394885/help-with-college-course-load#post_3516438
Im just trying to graduate to get a job. I dont honestly care if it is teaching or sales. I feel like a college degree will broaden my ability to get gainful employment, whereever i end up.
I think i will be a good teacher. I feel like it is my calling and if i want a job ill do what it takes to keep it.
okay first and foremost Seth let me tell you something. Don't ever settle!! If you believe teaching is your calling........ go for it. don't let these, people tell you these things to bring you down or second guess yourself, which by the way is what you are doing. Sales? Please, your somewhat better than that. That to me is a cop out, sorry, your better than that IMO.
today I talked to several nurses on the floor about your situation and even a couple of students experience the same thing you are. "You should rethink your career options because I don't believe this one is for you". What the hell is that? OMG I so wish they would have said something like that to me. I would have knocked her right on thr floor. First of all, these students pay a butt load of money to be in these classes to learn their trade and they, and you, hear this crap line rethink your career options? That pisses me off. Now on another note, if you have taken one class two or three times and just can't wrap your brain around it, get tutoring, if still nothing then yes...... time to move on to plan B.
I don't always see eye to eye with you Seth but this is SH@%, do what you want and if that is teaching DO IT!! I do believe you would make a good teach!


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 http:///t/394885/help-with-college-course-load#post_3514970
I know there are a few college grads on these forums. I know novahobbies was a biology major. Just waiting for whoever to say something
LOL Just saw this. Dude, I didn't get my degree in Biology. I done got meself papered in ENGLISH, son! ;-)
Mrs. Novahobbies is a Biology graduate, though. And Genetics will be a tough class....Ecology won't cause you too much worry. If it's anything like Michelle's Ecology class, that is. It was just a lot of reading and memorization. Very little calculation.


Well-Known Member
Ah. English. Whoops.
Yeah. Looks like im taking genetics and cell biology for sure next semester. I might have to retake chemistry and chem lab. But, i know i will make it. Just gotta be persistant.


New Member
I met a professor who has a phd in philosophy with emphasis on canine Being a psychologist I was almost ready to laugh