Help With Conversion


I currently have a 90 gallon tank w/ a cannister filter and a protein skimmer that hangs on the back. I've been told this might not be the best way to run things. I'm wanting to convert to a wet dry filter w/ a sump. I don't know a whole alot about how to get there. Want to ask ?'s on here first before heading to the store.


I did the same type of conversion a few months ago and started with a fiter likethis you can't go wrong for the price and it is real aesy to set up, but before you go wet/dry be sure you won't have the need for a refugium instesd of a wet/dry. I have a fish only system which is ideal they are ideal for but choose to go with a fuge for future options.


Active Member
Personal pref. of course, but I set up a sump/refugium and would never even ever consider a wet/dry.


I had a wet/dry setup on my 54 gallon corner and was battling nitrate and phosphates even with constant water changes, reduced lighting and reduced feeding. So when I set up my 92 gallon, I converted the wet/dry into a sump and added a large tupperware container as a refugium. I am using live rock in one compartment of the sump (former wet/dry) and have macro algae and live rock in the refugium.
For a lot less than what the LFS will charge you for a wet/dry setup, you can put together a simple sump/refugium that will serve you better. There are a lot of threads on here that describe how to setup a sump/refugium.