Help with DIY canopy & lights


Active Member
Olkay thanks!
I think I'm going to go with VHO instead of the PC. I did some research on them and I think they'll be better for what I want to do. And the bulbs last longer than PC so I'll save money in the long run. If anyone has any comments or suggestions on these I would be happy to hear.


Originally Posted by JayC
Are you serious? Are they easy to install?
Very easy, I have one that I hooked up in with my lights so when my lights turn on so does my fan. Just remember Fans come in two Voltages 110vac (one that you could just plug in to the wall) or 12vdc (you need an ac adapter for this one)


Active Member
Olkay thanks so much, I'll devinatly look in to that. What kind of lighting are you using?


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Active Member
Nice DiY canopy swatskee!
Thanks for sharring it.
If anyone else wants to post pics of there lighting systems please do so.


Originally Posted by JayC
Olkay thanks so much, I'll devinatly look in to that. What kind of lighting are you using?
I just have pc's on a 29g, but they were bringing up my tank a couple of degrees during the day.


Active Member
Im going to get 3 110 watt vho's. What should each be? (white,actinic,etc.) :notsure: And what all types of corals could I keep with these. Ordering them soon.


Jayc, Personally I would do 4 vho's and do 50/50 2whites and 2 actinics you will have a total of 440watts which is pretty good. Let the experts answer the coral question.


Active Member
I would if I could but right now I cant aford to buy 4. The most I can afford is 3. But later on I mght add a 4th one. Is there a way to wire the ballast so that I have 2 power cords but only one ballast? :notsure: I would like to put the lights on timers, but dont want to buy another ballast.
And thanks again ballyhoo.


Well JayC that all depends on your ballast, It should have come with a wiring diagram. Most ballast are wired the same, Ice cap has some diagrams on their web page. You must make sure that your ballast can handle the total wattage that you intend to add to it. Since you can only get 3 I would go with 2 whites and 1 super actinic. I will most likely buy the ice cap 430 to handle my VHOs .


Active Member
Just ordered my lights! :jumping: I ordered (4) 110 watt VHO's. I found a kit already wired with the ballast, reflector, endcaps, and bulbs on a website (Hello...) for $275 shipped. How high off the water should VHO's be? :notsure:


From what I've read 3-4 inches should be good.... Congrats on the lights
I would still keep an eye on your temp.


New Member
Hi could you please send me the links to the light sites. I have a 100 gallon that I know is not getting near the light it needs. Could you suggest how much watts I need and how much actinic. Thanks for all the help. I AM ON TOTAL DISBILITY THE CHEAPER THE BETTER :help: