Help with DIY sump


Ok, I have a 45 gallon glass tank, have a good idea of how I want to set it up.
Now for a dumb question, how do you know how tall to make your baffles, and divider wall for a refugium. Be gentle, i'm still new to all of this.
Thanks for the help


Active Member
If you have a skimmer in the sump that will be the limiting factor since they can only be placed so deep in the water, but you can set them on a stand inside the sump to raise them up. Other than that you can set the baffles however you like but you should leave a 1" gap under the center baffle and between each baffle.


Hm, interesting qustion. I have seen many refugiums, home made and store bought. In making it a part of your sump, you just want to make sure the baffle is low enough to allow water flow with no backup or overflow if your power goes out and the pump stops.
most of the homemade ones that I have seen have a hole drilled in the wall itself=for the outflow-that is just a little higher than the intake, usually about 6-8 inches from the bottom. I was not able to get the refugiam into my sump with the skimmer and mag 7 pump both in there already so had to rig a separate one behind the sump using a 5 gallon tank with a small light on top