help with eye infection please


so iv had a small personifer given to me because a yellow tang
was attacking it, and was chased and scraped its eye on a rock,
so its slightly clouded over only just able to see through it, its
not torn just cloudy. ive had a look around and read beths threads
about treatment and all, but cant find anything to do with specific
eye bacterial infections. i have him at work in a seperate tank with
a salinity of 1.020., its christmas so the wholesalers arnt taking
orders and i dont have much left on the shelf for treatments, all i
have is a copper treatment but i dont hav any copper test kits
left, so i cant do that, i do have pimafix so its really all i can use,
do you think this will work, as i dont know if copper is for eye
problems, ive never really had eye problems in my fish
before......sep, beth or anyone thats delt with this before thanks in advance.


Low stress good water and food fortified with extra vitamins should do the trick worked on my puffer after he got stuck on my power head twice, his eye got real bad I thought he was a goner but after a 2.5 days a noticable improvement and now he is perfect


Staff member
I agree to try what KingSmith suggests first.
If that doesn't do the job, then antibiotics will be needed. Maracyn Two for SW fish.


its had it for 2 n a bit days and it seems to be getting worse, perfect water to, today the fish has stopped eating to, unfortunatly ive never had that product that beth spoke of and its christmas so my question is from now seen as its getting worst do you think either melafix or pimafix could possibly help at all, and if not then ill hav to leave it. thanks


You could add some melafix. You will have to be certain that there is good water circulation and surface agitation. That medication will leave an oily film on the water surface.