help with final stocklist for 55. need a god swimmer


ok so i finally upgraded my tank from a 30 tall to a 55 gallon. my cycle is finished and tomorrow morning im putting my fish in. it took me dang near losing my fingers after i tried filling a terrerium with water to get my 55 but i got it so its all good. my current stock list is a true perc clown, a lawnmower blenny, a cc stafish, a condy anemone, a coral banded shrimp, a emerald crab, and a couple hermit crabs. i had a bangaii cardinal but my shrimp liked how he tasted better than how i liked his looks so he is no more. and my six line wrasse got stuck in the filter in my rubbermaid temp tank (while my tank cycles they are all in there) so he is gone also. i plan on tomorrow morning going to get another true perc clown to add before my clown starts to get territorial in the new tank. i also plan on getting another six line wrasse and more crabs. but i want another good swimming fish. maybe a small ( fully grown) tang or something. i know the no tang rule for a 55 so thats just a wish really. i want a strong swimmer. the clowns just arent doing it for me. aslo i will be giving away my anemome becuase the t5 i have did good enough on my 30 to keep it alive, but it wont do good with the same light on a 55. so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
Originally Posted by RotaryGeek
ok so i finally upgraded my tank from a 30 tall to a 55 gallon. my cycle is finished and tomorrow morning im putting my fish in. it took me dang near losing my fingers after i tried filling a terrerium with water to get my 55 but i got it so its all good. my current stock list is a true perc clown, a lawnmower blenny, a cc stafish, a condy anemone, a coral banded shrimp, a emerald crab, and a couple hermit crabs. i had a bangaii cardinal but my shrimp liked how he tasted better than how i liked his looks so he is no more. and my six line wrasse got stuck in the filter in my rubbermaid temp tank (while my tank cycles they are all in there) so he is gone also. i plan on tomorrow morning going to get another true perc clown to add before my clown starts to get territorial in the new tank. i also plan on getting another six line wrasse and more crabs. but i want another good swimming fish. maybe a small ( fully grown) tang or something. i know the no tang rule for a 55 so thats just a wish really. i want a strong swimmer. the clowns just arent doing it for me. aslo i will be giving away my anemome becuase the t5 i have did good enough on my 30 to keep it alive, but it wont do good with the same light on a 55. so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
ok well first off i wouldnt put in your star or anemone for awhile since your tank is so new..
for the clown try to pick out one of a different size then your one u have now
for the tang i wouldnt get any in that tank..
as far as reef safe fish that swim around u could get a wrasse which u are planning on,
other fish u may or may not be interested in could be a blackcap basslet or royal gramma, firefish, dwarf or pygmy angel if your willing to take the risk of them nipping at your corals along with a copperbanded butterfly.. hmm right now im drawing a blank when it comes to active fish all i can think of are angels, tangs, and some wrasses..
i dont know if a 55 is big enough for a copperband. i would recomend a good sized wrasse if your not set on the six line, like a flasher or one of the more expensive ones.


well i dont have any corals cuz i cant afford a nice light set up, so it doesnt have to be a reef safe fish. aslo i have really been thinking about getting rid of the starfish too, so thats not a big problem. why isnt the 55 big enough for the coral banded shrimp? he did really well in my 30 for about 4 months. he grew a little bit and molted about once every two weeks. the clownfish im looking at getting is about twice the size of my baby clown, so i dont think that should be a problem.


Active Member
at 55g its hard to pick fishes that are great swimmers cuz they need so much room...i'd second that on taking a risk with a pygmy or dwarf angel...flame, bicolor or coral beauty....but remember theres a risk with reef...many ppl has keep them in a reef with great success..just keep them well fed..


I think your anemone will be fine with your lighting. How many watts do you have? I had a Condy with only 36watts of lighting for a long time, still have it today (even though I have 175watts now on my tank now). Just place it very high in your tank. If you're thinking about getting a new one I'd go with a Long Tentacle Anemone. They're pretty easy to care for, look cool, and your True Perc's should host it.
One other quick hint, you may want to fill that new tank slowly. Keep your other Rubbermaid tank running for a few more days. I'd split it up over several days. Even though your new tank may be 'cycled', that huge bioload jump will really put it to the test if you throw everything you have in at once. You wouldn't go out and stock a brand new tank full the first time, this is pretty much the same situation. Good luck.


Ok well im switching everything now. I have all the live rock in the tank already, and im going to get some more in a couple minutes when the fish store opens. i cant keep this rubbermaid running any longer, its in my closet and its too hot in there. Plus now that the light is mounted to the canopy, my anemone won't survive in my closet. So im adding my livestock and getting more LR and another clownfish today. Ill wait before i add anything else for a little while.
Originally Posted by RotaryGeek
well i dont have any corals cuz i cant afford a nice light set up, so it doesnt have to be a reef safe fish. aslo i have really been thinking about getting rid of the starfish too, so thats not a big problem. why isnt the 55 big enough for the coral banded shrimp? he did really well in my 30 for about 4 months. he grew a little bit and molted about once every two weeks. the clownfish im looking at getting is about twice the size of my baby clown, so i dont think that should be a problem.
if your asking about what i said, i said a 55 is too small for a copperband, as in butterflyfish. cbs are fine in a 55.