Help with fish ideas


We have a 45 gallon tank that has a clown, polyup cluster, long tent. anemone, two pep. shrimp, and a feather duster. We would like to add more fish (gradually) and would like suggestions. We would like a lot of color, with fish that are not too hard to care for. One that we are thinking about is a 6 line wrasse. By the way, this is an awsome site and we learn a lot from people who are very kind and willing to share. Thanks.


firefish are really cool. maybe a flame angel. i have a yellow watchman goby. really bright fish that is cool to watch. also six lines are a nice choice. now that i think about it the list can go on just make sure evething is reef safe. i made a few mistakes but taking bad advice from the lfs. any fish that they safe might be reef safe or to keep an eye on you dont want in my opion. good luck