Help with flowerpot


Active Member
They say that they don't live past 8 months generally. I've had my two for 6 1/2 months now and they have actually grown. All I can do is cross my fingers and hope that I break the trend.
Keeping parasites off of the red jewel flowerpot is a pita! I have to superglue a worm into its hole on the underside of the red jewel at least once a week. It has paid off though as the coral has actually grown so much that is is growing new polyps over the superglue.

john kelly

Originally Posted by Aquageek
2 weeks ago I purchased a gorgeous fluorescent yellow flower pot coral.
Fluorescent yellow goni's = bleached (no zooxanthellae). If they are completely bleached, they will extend their polyps only half way or less.
Originally Posted by Aquageek

The only concern I have is that a few of the polyps have a brownish color to them. Is this a bad thing? Is it irreversible? Is it some kind of bacterial infection?
This is a good thing. Hopefully, they will become more brown, which means the zooxanthellae densities are increasing. If or when the polyps regain color, it will be on and around the tentacles first (around the mouths).
How does it look now?

john kelly

Originally Posted by Littlebuck
...............................So If anyone can help me out on what to do i would appricate it. Also i attached a pic of mine
Littlebuck, are all of the polyps on your goniopora currently extending? Judging from your pic, it looks like only about half of them are out fully.


On another forum i read of a woman that had kept several speices over 2 years and going... She says they require MH or intense lighting, and she feeds then cyclope eze and DT's oyster eggs.