Help with foaming jet nozzles


New Member
Can someone help me out on where to find a foaming jet nozzle.I cant find a store that sells them.


Active Member
Beckett head, the best place is the auction site. Also there is a recent thread on the reef central site describing mods to make it work with smaller pumps for more efficiency.


New Member
I was told to buy a jet nozzle from a fountan to create
bubbles.Is that what i need or do i use something else.the pump i have to use with the skimmer pumps 900 gallons an hour is that strong enough


Active Member
What is the brand type of skimmer? Or are you building one from scratch?
We could be talking about two different disctinct skimmer designs. One is called a downdraft (Aqua C uses this design) where a "jet" nozzle forces water into a column of bio balls or other media to cut bubbles into small fine micro bubbles. This jet nozzle can be a proprietary design (can't buy them) or is simple made by heating up PVC and shaping it into a clover shape.
The beckett style skimmer uses a Beckett 1408 (IIRC) foaming nozzle to introduce air into a water stream to produce bubbles.
Both of these designs require pressure rated pumps. Moreso on the beckett. As to how big a pump. that depends on your skimmer. We need a pic, model number, brand, etc. to know what exactly you need. If it was hand built by someone, you need them to tell you what pump they recommend and what nozzle they are referring to.


New Member
It looks alot like this one but missing some parts.I dont have a pic of it yet but i hope this helps on what im talking about.I dont know alot about skimmers im just geting into salt water tanks...


Active Member
That is a beckett style. The chamber on the right has a black part. That is the Beckett Injector. The big auction site has them.
If buy them, get 2. I don't think they are being produced anymore (they stopped at one time but may have resumed - they didn't work well for fountains but are great for skimmers).


New Member
thanks for the info.I might have a hard time finding one do you know of any other injecters that will work well for it.I have some that are brass but dont no if they will work with the salt water.Do they need to be plastic.The ones i have are used for chemical spraying and i think they have the same effact


Active Member
NO BRASS. Ever. Big no no. Metals in general are bad for a tank, brass (containing copper) is REALLY bad. Titanium and some stainless steels (impellar shafts on pumps) are ok, but that is about it.
It has to be the plastic one and it has to be a Beckett 1408. This is a specialized venturi ball design that produces foam. That is what that skimmer is designed to use. Do a search on e b a y for beckett 1408. You can get them for $9.50 delivered. There is a guy on there with 8 of them right now (isn't me).
How big is your tank btw? Beckett skimmers are usually used on bigger tanks ie 150+ gallons.


New Member
Thanks i would have tryed the brass and killed everything in the tank lol .I have a 125,12,30,55,and I have another one that is 10 feet long and 5 feet wide and 7 feet tall i think it covers a whole wall dont remember the gallons on it.For my first time with salt water what do you think is the best size tank to use?


Active Member
Are you planning on a reef? Fish only?
Stability is the key to success in any case and the bigger the tank the more stable (but it has to be something managable - while the HUGE tank would be awesome, probably something a little smaller to get your feet wet)... I would use either the 55 or the 125 to start.


New Member
I want a reef plus some fish like 1 or 2 would be kool...also i have have a 5 gallon filter i want to use but never got around to it...