Help with Hawkfish


While I know this forum is reserved for larger aggressive species, I do want to hear opinions about this hawkfish.
I am not new to the hobby, and I have kept flame hawkfish before, but it was in a much larger system with many other fish.
I want to have a small FO system to entertain me. I would really love to just have either a pixy or a flame, and that is it. No other plans, that fish is enough personality. So just how small is adequate room for this fish. Most websites recommend 30 gallons, but some hobbyists have "supposedly" kept a single hawk in nanos. While that is too small, would a 20L or a 29 be too small for this single FO system?


Yea, a 30 gallons is good for a hawk. Just as long as there are no crustaceans, shrimp, etc. Hawks are great personality fish. I might even go and say taht you could keep one in a 20 gallon, or a little bigger bow tank, so long as it has some cool rockwork to perch on, cuz they will mainly perch all day. They dont get TOO large, I think the longose will only make about 7 inches in a lifetime.