Help with Hypo


I have been trying for the last 3 hours to get my tank to 1.009 and the closest I can get is 1.010. How do I get it down one more point without going too low. It is a 90 gal with a 30ish sump.
Does anyone have any idea how much water I should remove and replace with fresh. I have gone through at least 20 gallons of fresh water in the last 4 hours.
I am having to hypo my display since my qt is not large enough for my fish. All my rock is out only thing in there is sand and a pvc pipe and power head


when i did my 55 with 20ish sump. It took alot of water to gradually do that, at the end of the 48 hours all i had to do was drop it .001 more to get it there, I took out 5 gallons at a time and add 5gal of ro/di water, I bet it took 7 or 8 times of doing that, 35-40 gallons on a smaller tank, good luck


I have been doing it over the past 2 days started when I got home Tuesday. It has just been that last .01 That has taken so long to acheive. I finally got it though alot more water changes but I am finally there. Now its just a matter of waiting for the ick to die off so I can start counting the weeks.