Help with ICK!??


Originally Posted by tdog7879
I have added new fish to my tank since ick outbreak and no problems
Are you an ich expert? Not trying to be rude just curious about your exp.
I do not consider myself, or any of the other experienced people on this board, as "experts". I do have experience in Disease and Treatment. I have successfully treated ich and have a tank that is completely ich free. I have helped many people in this area. I have witnessed ich attach after ich attack and what they have tried to substitute for quarantine. Sooner or later they choose to quarantine their fish after loosing so many. It is natural for you to not want to quarantine. I am sure that you have never done it and the tank has been alright. Ich is a parasite. It can come in on fish, LR, inverts, basically anything wet. It must be introduced into a system. Ich does not come from stress , poor water quality, or any of the other nonsense that you may hear. It is a parasite with a known life cycle. It can be eliminated and prevented from entering the display. A quarantine tank is essential.


Originally Posted by sepulatian
I do not consider myself, or any of the other experienced people on this board, as "experts". I do have experience in Disease and Treatment. I have successfully treated ich and have a tank that is completely ich free. I have helped many people in this area. I have witnessed ich attach after ich attack and what they have tried to substitute for quarantine. Sooner or later they choose to quarantine their fish after loosing so many. It is natural for you to not want to quarantine. I am sure that you have never done it and the tank has been alright. Ich is a parasite. It can come in on fish, LR, inverts, basically anything wet. It must be introduced into a system. Ich does not come from stress , poor water quality, or any of the other nonsense that you may hear. It is a parasite with a known life cycle. It can be eliminated and prevented from entering the display. A quarantine tank is essential.
So if none of my new fish got ick do you think it is gone?


Yeah I guess the 55g tank would cost about $100 (or less for a 30g) but then you have to factor in Filtration, Live Rock, Lighting, and probably a Stand. Then start cycling all that good stuff.
Even if I did purchase a QT wouldn't the ick still be alive in my DT? So I'd treat the sick fish, then put them back into the ick environment right?


Active Member
You can get a cheap 20gallon tank from Walmart with stock lighting. No LR and LS needed. Basic bio wheel or hang on filter, no skimmer needed. The tank can sit on the floor if need be. QT doesn't need to be anything fancy. Then get a few PVC pipe fittings and use them as hiding places for the fish.
You keep your fish in the QT for 6 weeks and during that time your DT will get rid of the ick parasite when there are no fish as hosts.


How many fish and what kind are we talking about here? A 29 gallon would suit. You do not have to buy LR or sand, nor a skimmer, or any of that. Did you look at Beth's example of a QT?


Originally Posted by sepulatian
How many fish and what kind are we talking about here? A 29 gallon would suit. You do not have to buy LR or sand, nor a skimmer, or any of that. Did you look at Beth's example of a QT?
I have one pretty big Blue Tang (he's the one with the ick), 2 False Clowns and 1 6-line Wrasse. Thats all on the fish part. But then I have corals, inverts & anemones. Yeah I guess I could get a cheapo 20g for them to hang in for a few weeks. Question now is, If I syphon out my water from my DT and use it to fill the new QT will I have to let it cycle? Should be good to go right? Then just treat the QT with some strong stuff, let them marinate for a few weeks then can put them back in the DT. The DT will be good to go because any 'fish hosts' will be non-existent and the ick will die off. Does that sound about right?
Now that opens the door for another question: Lets just say I leave them alone. The ick leaves the Tang, Doesn't infect any of the other fish. Now will it just die off on its own since no fish are infected and therefore a host isn't present? Most of the time if fish are 'healthy' and water params are 'ideal' the fish won't contract the ick as is, correct?


No that is completely incorrect. Your fish still do have ick. Do not just leave them alone in there. The ick is living in their gills. All it takes is for something to stess them out and they will lose their slime coat and the ick will be visible to you. quarentine is the only way imo. good luck.